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Why Do People Change Personality Wise After Gastric Bypass?

Question by slykitty: Why do people change personality wise after gastric bypass?
Most of them say im still the same person just 100,200 lbs less…I say BS. I know a few people who now can never make to for their friends and family because they are all caught up into theirselves. Why is this? And giving the benefit of the doubt if there are still the same person is it me a friend that has changed. I personally don’t feel I have. Please feedback from others who have gone through the same situation. THANKS
mae to=time sorry
darn i can’t type tonight
make to=time

Best answer:

Answer by Iwillliftmyeyes
probably because they are less heavier, and they can see themselves different. They see that they weigh less, and can be more social. They are more accepting of themselves, and how they see themselves.

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