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When Will Psychiatry Be Abolished as a Medical Science ?

Question by What_The: When will psychiatry be abolished as a medical science ?
Psychiatric treatments are harmful. All psychiatric treatments are harmful. Psychiatric drugs, ECT (electric shock) and brain surgery (lobotomy) each harm the individual and society. This sometimes goes against what we have been taught or indoctrinated into believing, and also against what we would often like to believe. Taking a pill as a “cure” obviously is easier than confronting and dealing with the actual personal reasons for one’s difficulties with their own mind and life. The alternative requires personal responsibility, control and can take time, but the final results far exceed the quick fix (drugs, shock, etc.). In fact, the “psychiatric” methods “fix” nothing at all and actually make things worse.

Best answer:

Answer by James M
Those are Medical Doctors with an MD. and 3 years residency. They are not surgerons, so they dont do any head surgery.

I dont agree with you, I have a relative who was disabled due to a condition, a psychiatrist perscribed a medication. He now owns a car dealership and is quite wealthy. Ten years have now passed. So this Doctor is totaly responsible for getting my friend back on his feet. He is still on the medication and doing very well, as his disease is now under control.

Where are you getting this info? Have you had a negitive experience or is it a Religious thing?

There are numerous people, I mean millions, helped by MD Psychiatrists, not just one, Millions.

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