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What to Write About When Focusing on the Topic “That Space Exploration Is Not Worth the Cost” in a Debate?

Question by Lucas Ibrahim: What to write about when focusing on the topic “That space exploration is not worth the cost” in a Debate?
So ive been give the topic for a Debate “That space exploration is not worth the cost” and i am the second speaker on the negative team. So we are arguing that space exploration is worth the cost.
I don’t actually know what I can focus on so i need help. Also how do you write convincing Rebuttals?
Any relevant opinions are great. Thanks 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by frog
“Space exploration is not worth the cost” ?
Of course it is – if it hadn’t been for exploring outside our own little lump of earth in the solar system, we wouldn’t have Teflon (developed as part of the protection of the re-entry heat shield), Miniaturised computers and telecommunications, more accurate thermometers, improved treatment for brain cancer, more effective sunglasses, contributions from the space program have impacted the safety of airports, etc.
Yes – the cost is great, but so have been the benefits to human health and technology.

It is also essential that we know more about space and the dangers that are ‘out there’, from sun bursts, meteor showers, radiation belts, not to mention how extended periods of weightlessness affect the human body – vital information if we want to explore further into the galaxy.
AND, we are talking ONLY of exploring OUR solar system – when Earth becomes uninhabitable thanks to humankind, we will eventually need to ‘move’ so having somewhere nice to go to, might save the future of humanity.

So – to say that it’s not worth the cost to explore space, is like saying ‘there’s no point in saving the rain forest’ (where so many of our modern lifesaving drugs have been discovered), and without which the world with choke to death (it’s the world’s ‘lungs’ and is a vital producer of oxygen), which the proponents of ‘Not worth the cost’ might bear in mind if they wish to continue breathing and living among us.

*Perhaps this gives you some ideas ?

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