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What to Do With My Alcoholic Brother?

Question by FickelFascination: What to do with my alcoholic brother?
My brother is well on his way to becoming an alcoholic. He’s 21. Two months ago he drove drunk and crashed, totaling his car and getting 5 tickets. The state made him go to classes but they don’t seem to be helping because tonight he’s incredibly drunk.

He’s actually been sober for about two months but now… But tonight I can’t even understand what he’s saying. He likes to drink heavily. He blew a .22 when he got in his accident. He won’t be driving tonight.

So, my question is, how should I handle this? Is there anything I should do or would it be best to stand back and let everything run its course?

Best answer:

Answer by PICKLE
whoaaa that wierd. my brother is exactly the same like exactly
i dont do anything becuz he never listens

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