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What Is Your Opinion on Medical Marijuana?

Question by Lauren Luxe: What is your opinion on medical marijuana?
Do you believe it is helpful or destructive? Do you think it is beneficial or dangerous? Do you think it helps solve more problems than it creatives? Do you think it actually destroys white matter in your brain? Do you believe that brain cells are not capable of producing more brain cells?

There are many different views on the issue regarding medical grade marijuana.
A lot of published online reports contain falsified information to persuade people in order to create this idea that may not necessarily be true.

In your opinion, what is the best way to legalize marijuana?

And on that topic, what do you think will happen to all the other “addicts” who wish to legalize their own “drug of choice.”

In the wise words of Bob Marley, “Smoke the herb and it reveals yourself to you.” Do you think that is true?

In the words written in some texts, people believe that every plant, every animal, every living thing, somebody saw all of the uses for them and saw that it was “GOOD.”

What is your stance on this argument?
Please include supporting information and trustworthy sources. Thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by Boiled Angel
I believe it’s helpful, I believe it’s beneficial, I think it will solve problems, and I do not believe it destroys brain matter and the brain is capable of producing more brain cells.

I think the best way to legalize it is to market it and tax it. It will generate so much profit that it will pay for some of our debt. We will also save money from having to convict those who are charged with crimes involving it. Putting someone in prison is expensive!

I do believe Bob Marley’s words are true. From my experience with the stuff, I have found out many things about myself that I wouldn’t have realized otherwise.

I’m not saying Marijuana is the best thing in the world that will solve all of our problems, I just think it’s ridiculous that it’s illegal. It makes no sense. Well, it actually does make sense because there are a lot of greedy rich bastards out there who would fall if it became legal.

What do you think? Answer below!