Question by candigal: What comes to mind when you think of a “drug addict”?
Are “drug addicts ” bad people? Is drug use a choice? What is the eccomomic status of most people who use drug? What are some of the names people have for drug addicts? Do you think treatment works? How are “addicts” different then “non-addicts”? This is for an essay I am writing. Thanks for your help. Also do you think that there is a certain eithnic group that has a higher rate of substance abuse?
Best answer:
Answer by Hell’s Own Harlot
Drug addicts are not necessarily bad people. They lack self control and are under a notion that what they want must be gratified RIGHT NOW. They lack any type of concern for how their behavior effects others and personally, I consider it a slow suicide. Treatment only works if you want it to. You have to be motivated and most drug users aren’t. There are not any particular ethnic groups that are more prone to use than any other. You have losers in every race of people.
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