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Uruguay: Social Reintegration for Drug Addicts

Uruguay: Social reintegration for drug addicts
In 2013, it plans to create a multifaceted clinic specializing in the abuse of alcohol, which is the most consumed drug – among both legal and illegal drugs – in the country. Alcohol is consumed by 74% of Uruguayans between the ages of 15 and 65 …
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Community 'heads up' on drugabuse clinic plans sought in Pa.
But it also has a long track record of helping patients fight illicit drug addiction. During the Wednesday hearing, lawmakers took great pains to make it clear they want to make sure substance abusers have a place to get well. "What they don't finish …
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San Diego, CA — (SBWIRE) — 02/01/2013 — Drug addiction is a serious problem that requires effective treatment or the person suffering from addiction does not live to see another day. Parents and relatives of the people fighting addiction always …
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