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Types of Painkillers Abused

Types of Painkillers Abused – – Types of Painkillers Abused – Discover the best treatment options for you. Call our Toll-Free Recovery Hotline at 1-800-839-1682…

Codeine Addiction and Codeine Abuse – – Codeine Addiction and Codeine Abuse – Take the first step toward drug or alcohol rehabilitation and call our Toll Free Recovery …

Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino: "The disease of addiction doesn't discriminate"
A meteoric rise to fame brought Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino from training at a gym in central New Jersey in 2009 to a press tour in Australia in Feb. 2012. That's when he encountered a problem. The “Jersey Shore” star had run out of his oxycodone …
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'Heroin in pill form': Staten Island racked by prescription painkiller addiction
BP James Molinaro is just one Staten Islander who lost his son to painkiller addiction, and eventually overdose. “There was no excuse for him to do what he did,” Molinaro said at a press conference last week. “But he was ten-foot-tall and bulletproof …

Television ad campaign aimed at preventing prescription painkiller addiction
But thanks to citywide efforts to help prevent the epidemic of prescription painkiller abuse on Staten Island and elsewhere, she hopes to use her family's tragedy to educate the public. To that end, the city Health Department launched a powerful new …

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