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Posts Tagged ‘washington state’

Question by mooo: Poll: What is the difference between being a “drug addict” and being addicted to cigarettes?

Best answer:

Answer by Sara
as bad a cigs are, drugs are worse

Answer by ~`’~
Psychologically speaking, an addiction is something that you’re willing to risk your career, residence, and spouse for. If it’s something that you can give up in order to maintain those things, then it’s a dependency. Most people would have a dependency on cigarettes rather than an addiction, but to be fair, I think most people who abuse hard drugs are probably also capable of quitting with some help. The other difference is that cigarettes are not a drug by themselves: the nicotine is the drug. By comparison, chemicals like cocaine and heroin are isolated substances.

LePage wants to add 22 state jobs to fight drug trafficking
Flanked by law enforcement officers from around Maine, LePage again detailed the large number of Maine babies that are born drug-affected and also criticized the state's methadone treatment clinics meant to help those addicted to painkiller medication …
Read more on Bangor Daily News

Drug damages
It was devastating," Young shared. She was one of several people who shared their stories, raised concerns, asked questions, and put forth ideas Thursday during a community drug abuse forum at Washington State Community College. … In visiting the …
Read more on Marietta Times

Kasich talks education, jobs, and drug prevention
The governor's plan ties in education and job creation along with extra Medicare dollars for treating the region's biggest problem, drug addiction. Brown County has one of the highest drug abuse rates in the state of Ohio and Kasich thinks solving the …
Read more on Georgetown News Democrat

Question by ashlynn: Underage for blowing a .01?
I had just gotten to a small campfire party and a cop came about an hour later. My friends who were drinking ran…we were in a gravel pit…i, thinking I wouldnt get in any trouble or an underage, stayed an followed directions. We were all asked for our id’s and then stood in line for breathalyzers. When it came time for mine, I blew a .01…i couldnt believe it! I cant say that i dont drink, but i had never gotten caught before. If i was going to get an underage, i wanted it to be when i was actually drunk.

So, my questions are:
1. Is it worth fighting in court, do i have a shot at winning?

2. What is a good reason that alcohol showed up in my blood?
I told the cop i had taken cough medicine, dayquil and i have throat spray because my tonsils are being removed soon and they are always sore. I just want to know if that really caused results on a breathalyzer?
I am actually 19 years old and yes this is my first time ever getting in trouble for this. Mostly all of my friends have gotten underages and in my county in Wisconsin, you first underage is a $ 180 fine, you lose your license for 30 days (which really bites) and it goes on record. I just really dont want this and thank you for your advice so far. I know i am going to fight this…how much of the medicines I listed do u need to have in your system for it to show up? the cop said that i must have been drinking cuz u need to take a lot of it before it shows up…i say thats bs!!

Best answer:

Answer by kerrbear
If the medication had alcohol in it, it would detect a small amount.

Answer by Caitlin
It is definitely worth fighting. Is this your first MIP? (Minor in Possession) If it is, even if you do NOT fight it in court, there isn’t much that will happen to you. In Washington State, your first MIP is simply a $ 35 dollar fine and an 8 hour “Drug Awareness” class if you are over 18. If under 18, you would also lose your license for 6 months. But all in all, Yes. A 01. is definitely worth fighting. Mouth wash, NyQuil, Dayquil or anything with alcohol in it could definitely show up in your system as alcohol. I would talk to a lawyer if you can afford it, or a public defender can also be appointed for you for free by the court upon your request. I wouldn’t just let it go and take the punishment. At least talk to someone, I believe there is a great chance that you will be able to get out of this one. Good luck! 🙂

Parents' Drug Awareness seminar in Petal Thursday
The Petal School District Police Department is sponsoring a Parents' Drug Awareness seminar 6-7:30 p.m. Thursday at Petal High School Performing Arts Center. This is designed to inform parents about trending street drugs and what they can look for at …
Read more on Hattiesburg American

Off Beat: Hudson woman raising drug awareness after daughter's death
Alysa Ivy, a talented young artist from Hudson, created this painting before she died last May of a heroin overdose at age 21. Alysa's mother, Karen Hale, now sees the references to love and hate and the question mark behind the word alive as symbolic …
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Program helps inmates overcome addiction, criminal behavior
… AMedium Text; ALarge Text. Jail inmates graduate from program to combat addiction, criminal behavior. Ten inmates of the Kennebec County Jail Wednesday graduated from a program that tries to stop the cycle of substance abuse and criminal behavior.
Read more on WMTW Portland

Wash. Addiction-Recovery Centers Losing Funding Under Obamacare
The Affordable Care Act may soon force Washington State alcohol and drug treatment centers to close, according to the head of a Seatte recovery center. Under Obamacare, addiction centers will no longer receive funding from the state to make up …
Read more on National Review Online (blog)

Question by Stephen: What is your opinion on the legalization of Marijuana in Washington State and Colorado?
My view is that I don’t smoke but this issue really doesn’t affect me so I’m pro legalization. And the states can tax and regulate Marijuana so it could provide a little benefits.

Best answer:

Answer by Aaron
People should be able able to make choices for themselves… so I don’t care.

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Question by Stephen: What is your opinion on the legalization of Marijuana in Washington State and Colorado?
My view is that I don’t smoke but this issue really doesn’t affect me so I’m pro legalization. And the states can tax and regulate Marijuana so it could provide a little benefits.

Best answer:

Answer by Aaron
People should be able able to make choices for themselves… so I don’t care.

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Addicts in West Virginia not getting the help they need
Crum and other law enforcement officials worked to close a number of pain clinics in southern West Virginia, but former Wood County Sheriff Jeff Sandy says some doctors are still doling out painkillers to addicts who crush the pills to get high …
Read more on The Coal Valley News

New Law Gives Parents Behind Bars in Washington State a Way to Hold Onto
Alise Hegle gave birth to her daughter while facing a seven-year sentence for her meth addiction. Her daughter was born two months early and tested positive for a small amount of meth … In 2010 New York passed its ASFA Expanded Discretion Act …
Read more on Truth-Out