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Posts Tagged ‘substance abuse and mental health services administration’

Black and Hispanic Patients Less Likely to Complete Substance Abuse
7, 2013 — Roughly half of all black and Hispanic patients who enter publicly funded alcohol treatment programs do not complete treatment, compared to 62 percent of white patients, according to a new study from a team of researchers including the …
Read more on Science Daily (press release)

Ind. substance abuse hospital to open women's drug-, alcoholtreatment center
… that focuses on substance abuse has announced plans to open a drug- and alcohol-treatment center for women at a secluded central Indiana site that its chief executive says will become one of only a handful of similar treatment centers in the Midwest.
Read more on The Republic

Local treatment facilities see increased demand with alcohol, prescription
In Anne Arundel County, the number of people admitted into state-supported drug and alcohol treatment programs reached 3,570 in 2011, up from 2,824 in 2008, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. “It has increased …


Best answer:

Answer by raysny
The most recent I could find for the US has the figures for 1997:

“A study shows that the U.S. spent a combined $ 11.9 billion on alcohol and drug abuse treatment, while the total social costs were more than $ 294 billion. The results were part of the National Estimates of Expenditures for Substance Abuse Treatment, 1997, which was released at the end of April by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Center for Substance Abuse Treatment.

The report, prepared by the MEDSTAT Group for SAMHSA, examines how much is spent in the U.S. to treat alcohol and drug abuse, how that spending has changed between 1987 and 1997, how much of the spending is done by the private and public sectors, and how substance abuse expenditures compare to spending for mental health and other health conditions in the U.S.”

In NY:
“States report spending $ 2.5 billion a year on treatment. States did not distinguish whether the treatment was for alcohol, illicit drug abuse or nicotine addiction. Of the $ 2.5 billion total, $ 695 million is spent through the departments of health and $ 633 million through the state substance abuse agencies. We believe that virtually all of these funds are spent on alcohol and illegal drug treatment.”
Source: National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University, Shoveling Up: The Impact of Substance Abuse on State Budgets (New York, NY: CASA, Jan. 2001), p. 24.

States Waste Billions Dealing with Consequences of Addiction, CASA Study Says
May 28, 2009

The vast majority of the estimated $ 467.7 billion in substance-abuse related spending by governments on substance-abuse problems went to deal with the consequences of alcohol, tobacco and other drug use, not treatment and prevention, according to a new report from the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) at Columbia University.

The report, titled, “Shoveling Up II: The Impact of Substance Abuse on Federal, State and Local Budgets,” found that 95 percent of the $ 373.9 billion spent by the federal government and states went to paying for the societal and personal damage caused by alcohol and other drug use; the calculation included crime, health care costs, child abuse, domestic violence, homelessness and other consequences of tobacco, alcohol and illegal and prescription drug abuse and addiction.

Just 1.9 percent went to treatment and prevention, while 0.4 percent was spent on research, 1.4 percent went towards taxation and regulation, and 0.7 percent went to interdiction.

“Such upside-down-cake public policy is unconscionable,” said Joseph A. Califano, Jr., CASA’s founder and chairman. “It’s past time for this fiscal and human waste to end.”

CASA estimated that the federal government spent $ 238.2 billion on substance-abuse related issues in 2005, while states spent $ 135.8 billion and local governments spent $ 93.8 billion. The report said that 58 percent of spending was for health care and 13.1 percent on justice systems.

Researchers estimated that 11.2 percent of all federal and state government spending went towards alcohol, tobacco and other drug abuse and addictions and its consequences. The report said that Connecticut spent the most proportionately on prevention, treatment and research — $ 10.39 of every $ 100 spent on addiction issues — while New Hampshire spent the least — 22 cents.

Key Findings

Of the $ 3.3 trillion total federal and state government spending, $ 373.9 billion –11.2 percent, more than one of every ten dollars– was spent on tobacco, alcohol and illegal and prescription drug abuse and addiction and its consequences.

The federal government spent $ 238.2 billion (9.6 percent of its budget) on substance abuse and addiction. If substance abuse and addiction were its own budget category at the federal level, it would rank sixth, behind social security, national defense, income security, Medicare and other health programs including the federal share of Medicaid.

State governments spent $ 135.8 billion (15.7 percent of their budgets) to deal with substance abuse and addiction, up from 13.3 percent in 1998. If substance abuse and addiction were its own state budget category, it would rank second behind spending on elementary and secondary education.

Local governments spent $ 93.8 billion on substance abuse and addiction (9 percent of their budgets), outstripping local spending for transportation and public welfare.¹

For every $ 100 spent by state governments on substance abuse and addiction, the average spent on prevention, treatment and research was $ 2.38; Connecticut spent the most, $ 10.39; New Hampshire spent the least, $ 0.22.

For every dollar the federal and state governments spent on prevention and treatment, they spent $ 59.83 shoveling up the consequences, despite a growing

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Local treatment facilities see increased demand with alcohol, prescription
In Anne Arundel County, the number of people admitted into state-supported drug and alcohol treatment programs reached 3,570 in 2011, up from 2,824 in 2008, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. “It has increased …

American Eagle pilot fails alcohol test while preparing for flight, arrested
Hall said most airlines and other transportation companies now have effective programs to identify and get treatment for employees with drug or alcohol problems. But, he said, an incident like Friday's should lead to a re-examination of protocols …
Read more on Washington Post

Four County teens treated for suspected alcohol poisoning, frostbite after parties
PRESQUE ISLE, Maine — The concern about underage drinking has intensified in Aroostook County in recent days, as four Presque Isle-area teenagers were taken to the hospital for treatment of suspected alcohol poisoning and other ailments after holiday …
Read more on Bangor Daily News

Local treatment facilities see increased demand with alcohol, prescription
In Anne Arundel County, the number of people admitted into state-supported drug and alcohol treatment programs reached 3,570 in 2011, up from 2,824 in 2008, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. “It has increased …

Once-a-month opiate addiction treatment little-used in Maine, clinic operators say
It also has been used since 2006 to treat alcohol dependence. Vivitrol is different from methadone, a narcotic that has been used for three decades as a maintenance tool that helps with cravings and withdrawals, and suboxone, a combination narcotic and …
Read more on Bangor Daily News