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Posts Tagged ‘prescription medication’ – Ativan Addiction and Abuse – Our multi-faceted approach to addiction treatment addresses our client’s emotional, spiritual and physiological needs. A loving and professional atmosphere is key to our high quality substance abuse treatment. Discover the best treatment options for you. Call our Toll-Free Recovery Hotline at 1-800-839-1682.
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Tizanidine Addiction and Abuse Tizanidine Addiction & Abuse – We can help you discover the best substance abuse treatment options for you – call our 24-hour Toll-Free Recovery Hotline 800-839-1682. Our team deals not only with drug and alcohol addiction, but we deal with underlying issues. Helping our clients to recover from substance abuse so they can smile again, laugh again and live again is our goal. To have any questions or concerns about the prescription medication Tizanidine (a muscle relaxant) addressed, please dial our helpline above to be put through to one of our experienced addiction counselors. Whatever you are calling about, we’re here to help however we can. Opana Addiction & Abuse – Making a difference in our client’s lives is our priority and goal. We offer a unique and affordable holistic approach to addiction treatment. Take the first step toward drug or alcohol rehabilitation and call our Toll Free Recovery Hotline at 1-800-839-1682 and discover the best treatment options for you. With any questions or concerns about the prescription medication Opana, also known as Oxymorphone, please call to speak with one of our experienced counselors. Whatever your situation and however seemingly insignificant or serious, we’re here to help however we can.

Question by Jocelyn Ortiz: what is a good title for a teen drug addiction research paper?
so i am writing a 5 page research paper for my english 4 class but i need a good title that is not just the “teen drug addiction”

Best answer:

Answer by Caitlan L
The life of a Teenager

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Question by Shane Lindsay: i was arrested for posession of marijuana and my job suspended me can i get unemployment?
it was only a small small 1 bag amount

Best answer:

Answer by thefullmetalcore

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Question by Watercup: How is “addiction” defined? Is one addicted to marijuana if they were at some pt and were sober for years?
but they are sometimes using it again? I just wonder bc I listen to Dr. Drew and he is always calling people addicts and it seems he does it whether they are using now or have before… (for any substance). Shed some light please!

Best answer:

Answer by hunter
weed isnt addicting

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Valium is a prescription medication given to relieve the symptoms of anxiety, insomnia and other ailments. It is a good short-term “solution” for either a moderate or severe anxiety problem. Besides mental disorders, the drug can also be used to ease muscle spasms, seizures, treat tetanus and stiff man syndrome. However, if it is used over a long period of time no matter what the reason, individuals can become dependent on it both psychologically and physiology. .

When long term Valium abuse has occurred, a sudden attempt to stop can cause serious withdrawal symptoms such as depression, heart palpitations, panic attacks, loss of appetite, insomnia, hypertension, tremors, mental cloudiness, sweating and even death. For this reason many professionals suggest that persons be weaned off of valium.

It at all possible, the best case scenario would be for an individual to be under the supervision of a doctor who specializes in helping addicts beat their drug addictions. Many very serious and uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms can be minimized if an individual gradually weans themselves from the drugs. A doctor can come up with a schedule so that the process can go as seamlessly as possible. Therefore, instead of forcing a valium addict to quit cold turkey, the doctor would create a weaning plan for the patient that might take between several weeks or several months. This tends to be fairly effective in some cases and is generally much easier on the addict.

One of the biggest risks of Valium abuse includes overdose or combining the drug with alcohol. The latter can lead to very serious and even fatal consequences. A person may go into a coma or respiratory arrest.

Valium abuse occurs by individuals from all socio-economic and social backgrounds. It is not discrimination. Anyone that takes it has the potential to develop a dependency or addiction.

Because valium is psychologically addicting as well as physically, it is very hard for individuals to self treat and even for drug rehabilitation centers to help people top using. If an individual uses it even only for short amounts of time and then stops they can experience withdrawal symptoms. This often encourages them to start using again in order to eliminate the symptoms. Common withdrawal symptoms include the shakes, fast heartbeat, the inability to sleep, blurry vision, lack of mental clarity, diarrhea, weight loss, seizures, cramps and excessive sweating. These are similar to what addicts of other drugs face when they attempt to stop using as well

Persons that have been using valium quite consistently and for a great length of time may pose a danger to themselves if they suddenly quit taking it. It can in some cases even lead to death. Individuals may also use experience seizures. This is why it is best to work with a rehab facility that has a doctor in-house. They will be able to medically monitor the individual while they attempt to get off the drug.