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Posts Tagged ‘prescription abuse’

Teenage Prescription Abuse – – Teenage Prescription Abuse – We can help you discover the best treatment options for you – call our 24-hour Toll-Free Recovery H…

Sonata Addiction and Sonata Abuse – Sonata Addiction & Sonata Abuse – Take the first step towards recovery from drug or alcohol abuse – call our to…

Teen pitfall: Stress can lead to depression, drug use
What happens when a teen becomes overloaded by stress? Is it more than just a bad day at school? "Stress can be compared with the pressure that a sculptor places on a piece of marble: the right pressure and it becomes a masterpiece, but too much …
Read more on KERO-TV 23

Guest opinion: Make sure your teens know risks of prescription drug abuse
We talk to our children about the dangers of drugs, about drinking. There are major marketing campaigns encouraging teens to think, to stand up to drugs, to say Not Even Once or to talk to someone they trust. This is all important. Our children should …
Read more on Billings Gazette

NIDA's drug abuse information for teens goes mobile
Teens — and adults who care for them — can now find answers to questions about drug abuse and addiction more easily, and through smartphones and tablets. Spanish language versions of easy to understand resources on drug abuse and addiction are …
Read more on National Institutes of Health (press release)

Question by Myles: Why are parents afraid to discipline their children?
You see these things on tv about teens addicted to drugs, getting pregnant,etc. Let me tell you this. If I got out of line, my parents beat my a ss, and they didn’t care what my excuse was. If I did any of the stuff teenagers do today, I would’ve been disowned at this point.

Why should teenagers be able to argue with their parents? A teens brain is not even fully developed, and they’re going to ignore what their parents tell them? How can kids be so stupid?
A parent occasionally hitting their kids is not abuse. It’s showing them who’s boss.

Best answer:

Answer by JD
Because their parents are equally stupid, duhhhh. just because your brain is developed doesn’t mean they are smart, so many stupid parents in the world.

Answer by Deshawn
you’re right, we should all beat the sh*t out of our kids whenever they do something wrong. thats REAL parenting.

Teenage Prescription Abuse – – Teenage Prescription Abuse – We can help you discover the best treatment options for you – call our 24-hour Toll-Free Recovery H…

Report: States failing to curb prescription abuse
Prescription drug misuse is now responsible for more deaths than heroin and cocaine combined. Despite these shocking statistics, a new report from Trust for America's Health finds many states are lacking effective strategies to curb prescription drug …
Read more on CNN (blog)

Oreos as 'addictive' as cocaine in lab rat study
Previous studies in rodents and in humans have shown the same area of the brain that lights up on scans when people use drugs, also shows increased activity when study participants consume, or even look at, high fat, high sugar foods like ice cream or …
Read more on CNN (blog) – Teenage Prescription Abuse – We can help you discover the best treatment options for you – call our 24-hour Toll-Free Recovery H…

Sonata Addiction and Sonata Abuse Sonata Addiction & Sonata Abuse – Take the first step towards recovery from drug or alcohol abuse – call our to…
Video Rating: 1 / 5 – Teenage Prescription Abuse – We can help you discover the best treatment options for you – call our 24-hour Toll-Free Recovery H…
Video Rating: 5 / 5 – Teenage Prescription Abuse – We can help you discover the best treatment options for you – call our 24-hour Toll-Free Recovery H…
Video Rating: 5 / 5 Paxil Addiction & Paxil Abuse – Discover the best addiction treatment options for you or a loved one. Ca…
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