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Posts Tagged ‘physical abuse’

Question by My Answers Suck: What’s your definition of “abuse”?
I hang out in celebrity section and notice a lot of people commenting on Chris Brown hitting Rihanna saying he abused her. To me, “abuse” means a habitual occurrence. For this argument we won’t get into whether or not he has done so in the past. So if he hits her on this one occasion — even if going overboard — does that constitute as “physical abuse”?

I was thinking if someone who has never had alcohol gets absolutely plastered one time, they are not considered as alcohol abusers. That term usually conjures up an addicted alcoholic. Same for drugs.

What do you think?
So Beyond Mordant, would you classify this as abuse? When I hear of spousal abuse, I think of battery on more than one occasion. Habitual offense. I can see how your definition would apply, though.

Best answer:

Answer by hatrickpatrick
What happened between Chris Brown and Rihanna was a fight / assault. “Abuse” cannot be a once off incident.

Answer by fangsfashiongurlydarkwings
to take advantage of or treat badly like hitting slapping kicking stuff like that.

Hawaii Lawmakers Mull Clearer Rules for Schools With Uncontrollable Kids
Incidents like the ones exposed in recent abuse cases at Kipapa Elementary and the School of the Deaf and Blind suggest that school personnel are using inappropriate restraint methods — including tying an uncontrollable child to a chair with rope …
Read more on Honolulu Civil Beat

Assembly pares back 'living wage' ordinance
Lawmakers unanimously passed a bill to provide $ 1.5 million more each year for programs to provide treatment alternatives for criminal offenders who abuse drugs and alcohol. Phosphorous. Legislators signed off on a bill, 76-19, to delay costly …
Read more on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

BILL WATCH 8/2014 of 20th February
1. by transporting or conveying individuals involuntarily, i.e. through force, threats or the use of drugs or by deception or abuse of power;. 2. by transporting or conveying individuals voluntarily, i.e. with their consent, for an unlawful purpose;. 3 …
Read more on The Zimbabwean

Depression: New Causes, New Treatments
Depression affects one in 10 Americans at some point in their lives, and the number of patients diagnosed with depression goes up by about 20 percent each year. The World Health Organization says it is the top cause of disability worldwide, and that …
Read more on Healthline

Cuts to maternity pay increase risk of depression and break-ups, PM warned
Further cuts to maternity pay will create money worries for families that can increase the risk of postnatal depression and broken relationships, a leading charity has warned in a letter to David Cameron and Nick Clegg. In a new appeal, the National …
Read more on The Guardian

Remission from Depression Much Slower in Adults Who Were Abused in
Jan. 9, 2014 — Remission from depression is delayed in adults who have experienced childhood physical abuse or parental addictions, a new study by University of Toronto researchers has found. The study is published this week in the journal Social …
Read more on Science Daily (press release)

Corey Feldman's book details sexual abuse of the two Coreys
“That knowledge has been exceedingly difficult to live with, knowing that I helped influence his drug use and, ultimately, unwittingly contributed to my best friend's demise.” Corey Feldman (left) and Corey Haim in 1989's 'Dream a Little Dream.
Read more on New York Daily News

Photos: 11 community stories you should care about (Oct. 18)
She had an eating disorder and was struggling with drug and alcohol abuse, on top of having suffered repeated incidents of molestation and sexual and physical abuse. That was also the … “Dear Reader,” she begins the book, “What good am I if I am quiet?”.
Read more on Dallas Morning News

Pulse of the People: Get more involved with community police
Along with aforementioned exceptional police work, we recently saw the successful arrest of two major players in the local drug trade and the seizure of over 100 grams of crack cocaine. This effort deprived the alleged dealers of over $ 11,000 cash in …
Read more on Troy Record

Students open up, share problems with govt school counsellors
From family to property to drug addiction to learning disability — these are the major issues that have cropped up during the counselling sessions started at the city-based government schools for the students of primary classes to Class XII. The …
Read more on Indian Express

A City's Shame: Reliving Childhood Sexual Abuse
A City's Shame: Reliving Childhood Sexual Abuse. By Brennan Leffler … There was rampant alcoholism and physical abuse. “Back then you were, you … The results of Estabrooks' abuse are devastating. Many of the … They've struggled with alcohol and …

Ice a growing danger: counsellor
He said there had been a 25 per cent increase in ice users needing counselling during the past two years, with their youngest client only 16. The influx of the drug had been so fast that health services did not have enough of an understanding of how to …
Read more on The Border Mail

Recidivist drink-driving addiction counsellor jailed
She said that before this "relapse", Steven had obtained a counselling diploma and had come to Christchurch to set up his business to help people with addictions to prescription drugs. "That's his specialty. That's what he wants to do." Steven had gone …
Read more on Marlborough Express