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Posts Tagged ‘nick clegg’

Depression: New Causes, New Treatments
Depression affects one in 10 Americans at some point in their lives, and the number of patients diagnosed with depression goes up by about 20 percent each year. The World Health Organization says it is the top cause of disability worldwide, and that …
Read more on Healthline

Cuts to maternity pay increase risk of depression and break-ups, PM warned
Further cuts to maternity pay will create money worries for families that can increase the risk of postnatal depression and broken relationships, a leading charity has warned in a letter to David Cameron and Nick Clegg. In a new appeal, the National …
Read more on The Guardian

Remission from Depression Much Slower in Adults Who Were Abused in
Jan. 9, 2014 — Remission from depression is delayed in adults who have experienced childhood physical abuse or parental addictions, a new study by University of Toronto researchers has found. The study is published this week in the journal Social …
Read more on Science Daily (press release)