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Posts Tagged ‘drug czar’

What Philip Seymour Hoffman's Sponsor Could Have Done for Him
A haunting writeup in The New York Times Thursday detailed how actor Philip Seymour Hoffman spent his last days after relapsing back into heroin addiction and leaving the home he shared with his partner, Mimi O'Donnell, and their three children. Though …
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Authorities: No tainted heroin in North Penn, but heroin use still on the rise
Like many law enforcement officials, as well as those involved in drug treatment and counseling, Dickinson sees a connection between the long-standing epidemic of addiction to prescription opioid painkillers, such as OxyContin and Vicodin, and the rise …
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It's Getting Harder For the Feds To Lie About Marijuana and Get Away With It
That's the lesson White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (aka the Drug Czar's office) Deputy Director Michael Botticelli learned earlier this week when he testified before U.S. House Subcommittee on Government Relations. Armed with what …
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Court: New trial for man who killed stepdaughter
"In the face of the emotionally charged facts, the Court of Appeals showed real courage, vindicating the rule of law by applying reason and the force of precedent to grant a new trial." According to the opinion, the night Cheyenne was killed, she had …
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Mom Accused Of Stabbing Children During 'Exorcism' Will Undergo Psychiatric
"It obviously has details that are salacious and we just ask folks to give an opportunity for all of us to get a handle on just what happened here," Leyden said of the case, "so that when the time comes to present this to a judge and a jury, all of the …
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ISTOOK: The blunt truth — White house drug czar contradicts Obama on marijuana
Furthermore, the studies cited by the National Institute for Drug Abuse, regarding brain damage among regular adolescent pot smokers, has no parallel from alcohol. And making one dangerous drug legal is, of course, never a good reason to add another, …
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Obama Drug Czar Wants Treatment and Arrests at the Same Time
That's the message that the Obama administration put forth today with its new drug strategy. But if you're expecting an end to the drug war, these policy changes aren't it. The plan focuses on treating drug addiction as a health problem, but it doesn't …
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State drug abuse, awareness chief says cost thwarts drug treatment
Pennsylvania is only able to adequately treat one out of every eight drug addicts because of a lack of money for treatment programs, says the newly minted secretary of the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs. Gary Tennis, a former prosecutor in the …
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Inmates not always treated for addiction, mental illness
Mentally ill inmates with drug addictions seeking help for their illnesses often are turned away from treatment because of their substance abuse problem and vice versa, Jungel said. When substance abuse counselors turn away drug addicts because of …
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Cory Monteith leaves rehab after one-month stint for substance addiction and
The 30-year-old Glee actor – who checked in to a treatment facility for substance addiction earlier this month – has now completed his stay and jetted off on holiday with his girlfriend Lea Michele. A witness who spotted them at LAX on Friday told E …
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U.S. Drug Czar: 'I Was Wrong. Addiction Is Not A Moral Failing'
Kerlikowski's statement accompanies a White House “National Drug Control Strategy,” dubbed a “science-driven plan” that treats “our Nation's drug problem as a public health issue, not just a criminal justice issue.” On the subject of tackling addiction …
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Cory Monteith Checks Into Rehab for Substance Addiction
"Cory Monteith has voluntarily admitted himself into a treatment facility for substance addiction," his rep says in a statement. "He graciously asks for your respect and privacy as he takes the necessary steps towards recovery." "Cory is a beloved …
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Maryland families to get new tool in fight against drug overdoses
Linda Fletcher lives in fear of reliving a nightmare: a son dying from a heroin overdose. Her son Kris Klipner succumbed to the drug in 2007. He was 28. Klipner's half-brother battles the same kind of depression as Kris. He suffers the same heroin …
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I-Team: Prescription drug abuse an epidemic
Prescription drug abuse is causing overdoses and turning regular people into criminals. Popping painkillers, becoming addicted and then taking extreme measures to get more pills. Prescription drug overdoses now outnumber those of heroin and cocaine …

U.S. Drug Czar: 'I Was Wrong. Addiction Is Not A Moral Failing'
On the subject of tackling addiction, the plan announces several important developments, including that insurance plans will be required to cover treatment of people with substance abuse disorders, the federal government will fund some vouchers for …
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Michigan Addicts Newly Eligible For Treatment
Randy O'Brien, the director of the Macomb County Office of Substance Abuse, said there are usually about 80 people on a waiting list there for residential treatment and methadone, a drug used to treat drug addiction. But officials said the number of …
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Online Alcohol Treatment Program Alternative to Rehabilitation Centers
(Newswire.Net — April 8, 2013) Valencia, CA — With the array of people online world wide, can the internet be trusted for an individual to get the appropriate information necessary to regain a sober lifestyle when it is used for an alcohol treatment …
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Hope By The Sea, California Drug & Alcohol Treatment Center, Exhibits At The
About Celebrate Hope: Celebrate Hope is Hope by the Sea's Christian Residential Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Program, located in the coastal communities of Orange County Southern California. As an integrated component of one of the very best …
Read more on PR Web (press release)

Lehigh County opens new drug and alcohol center
Lehigh County's new drug and alcohol treatment center is a stone's throw from the county's work release prison — a constant reminder of where addicts are likely to end up if they don't get help. Retired Gen. Barry McCaffrey, former drug czar in the …
Read more on Allentown Morning Call