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Posts Tagged ‘drug addictions’

Question by Katie D: What are some good teen books about disorders?
I read the book “Cut” but Patricia McCormick, “Perfect” By Natasha Friend, and I’m reading “Massive” by Julia Bell.

What are some other good ones about mental/personality disorders?

Even if they’re not teen books, I want some good ones.

Best answer:

Answer by Cheyenne
Go Ask Alice is a really good book. Its about a young girl with drug addictions. Its really emotional. And probably not anything like you would think. But, I won’t ruin the story line.
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath is also really good. Its a bit disturbing, though, in some points.
I reccomend The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger, as well.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

The Importance of Alcohol Rehab Centers
Alcohol consumption can pose a severe threat to the human life, both in terms of the physical and psychological health. While consuming alcohol may not cause a major threat, the signs of danger are visible when an individual starts drinking in excess.
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Texas program focuses on alcoholism, not punishment
The four-year program isn't easy. Program participants are required to spend 10 days in jail, take random urine and breath tests, intensive counseling and alcohol treatment, weekly court appearances and meetings with probation officers. They must also …
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Renascent Drug And Alcohol Treatment Centre Launches Concert Series
According to its literature, Renascent "facilitates recovery, education and prevention relating to alcohol and drug addictions through a continuum of programs and services for individuals, families and organizations." Since 1970, more than 40,000 …
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Renascent Drug And Alcohol Treatment Centre Launches Concert Series
According to its literature, Renascent "facilitates recovery, education and prevention relating to alcohol and drug addictions through a continuum of programs and services for individuals, families and organizations." Since 1970, more than 40,000 …
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High or dry? Staying sober for New Year's Eve
Occasional drinkers fail to moderate and addiction programs around the country note upticks in patient loads soon after the new year, high season for relapsers and those seeking treatment for the first time. “Alcohol is often center stage at holiday …
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The Importance of Alcohol Rehab Centers
The type of treatment that will be given to him depends on his or her current alcohol addiction level. Not every patient can be given the same type of treatment. While some of the patients may be required to go for inpatient programs, others may …
Read more on Hive Health Media (blog)

Question by Katie D: What are some good teen books about disorders?
I read the book “Cut” but Patricia McCormick, “Perfect” By Natasha Friend, and I’m reading “Massive” by Julia Bell.

What are some other good ones about mental/personality disorders?

Even if they’re not teen books, I want some good ones.

Best answer:

Answer by Cheyenne
Go Ask Alice is a really good book. Its about a young girl with drug addictions. Its really emotional. And probably not anything like you would think. But, I won’t ruin the story line.
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath is also really good. Its a bit disturbing, though, in some points.
I reccomend The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger, as well.

What do you think? Answer below!

Question by Katie D: What are some good teen books about disorders?
I read the book “Cut” but Patricia McCormick, “Perfect” By Natasha Friend, and I’m reading “Massive” by Julia Bell.

What are some other good ones about mental/personality disorders?

Even if they’re not teen books, I want some good ones.

Best answer:

Answer by Cheyenne
Go Ask Alice is a really good book. Its about a young girl with drug addictions. Its really emotional. And probably not anything like you would think. But, I won’t ruin the story line.
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath is also really good. Its a bit disturbing, though, in some points.
I reccomend The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger, as well.

Give your answer to this question below!

The Importance of Alcohol Rehab Centers
Alcohol consumption can pose a severe threat to the human life, both in terms of the physical and psychological health. While consuming alcohol may not cause a major threat, the signs of danger are visible when an individual starts drinking in excess.
Read more on Hive Health Media (blog)

Renascent Drug And Alcohol Treatment Centre Launches Concert Series
According to its literature, Renascent "facilitates recovery, education and prevention relating to alcohol and drug addictions through a continuum of programs and services for individuals, families and organizations." Since 1970, more than 40,000 …
Read more on Samaritan Mag

Research Finds People Naturally Overcome Alcohol Problems Without Treatment
The St Jude Program has proven that addiction is not a disease but rather a series of choices and behaviors and most importantly that treatment is highly ineffective for those who have a continuing alcohol problem. Mark Scheeren, Chairman and co …
Read more on PR Web (press release)