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Posts Tagged ‘drug addictions’

Obama Drug Czar Wants Treatment and Arrests at the Same Time
That's the message that the Obama administration put forth today with its new drug strategy. But if you're expecting an end to the drug war, these policy changes aren't it. The plan focuses on treating drug addiction as a health problem, but it doesn't …
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State drug abuse, awareness chief says cost thwarts drug treatment
Pennsylvania is only able to adequately treat one out of every eight drug addicts because of a lack of money for treatment programs, says the newly minted secretary of the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs. Gary Tennis, a former prosecutor in the …
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Inmates not always treated for addiction, mental illness
Mentally ill inmates with drug addictions seeking help for their illnesses often are turned away from treatment because of their substance abuse problem and vice versa, Jungel said. When substance abuse counselors turn away drug addicts because of …
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Question by Katie D: What are some good teen books about disorders?
I read the book “Cut” but Patricia McCormick, “Perfect” By Natasha Friend, and I’m reading “Massive” by Julia Bell.

What are some other good ones about mental/personality disorders?

Even if they’re not teen books, I want some good ones.

Best answer:

Answer by Cheyenne
Go Ask Alice is a really good book. Its about a young girl with drug addictions. Its really emotional. And probably not anything like you would think. But, I won’t ruin the story line.
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath is also really good. Its a bit disturbing, though, in some points.
I reccomend The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger, as well.

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Question by FAITH: How come people on government assistance are not subject to a drug test before and while receiving benefits?
Our tax dollars are paying for a lot of people’s drug addictions. I know here in California, most people on welfare are also on some type of drug abuse. They will take the General Relief money and Food Stamps and feed their drug habit instead of the kids. I believe they should all be subject to drug testing to receive benefits from our tax money and continue with unannounced drug testing to continue to receive payments. We the tax payers have a right to where the money is going.

Best answer:

Answer by TheOrange Evil
I think it’d be a lot cheaper and easier to 1) get rid of welfare, especially long-term welfare, and 2) make drugs legal.

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Question by Katie D: What are some good teen books about disorders?
I read the book “Cut” but Patricia McCormick, “Perfect” By Natasha Friend, and I’m reading “Massive” by Julia Bell.

What are some other good ones about mental/personality disorders?

Even if they’re not teen books, I want some good ones.

Best answer:

Answer by Cheyenne
Go Ask Alice is a really good book. Its about a young girl with drug addictions. Its really emotional. And probably not anything like you would think. But, I won’t ruin the story line.
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath is also really good. Its a bit disturbing, though, in some points.
I reccomend The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger, as well.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Question by Katie D: What are some good teen books about disorders?
I read the book “Cut” but Patricia McCormick, “Perfect” By Natasha Friend, and I’m reading “Massive” by Julia Bell.

What are some other good ones about mental/personality disorders?

Even if they’re not teen books, I want some good ones.

Best answer:

Answer by Cheyenne
Go Ask Alice is a really good book. Its about a young girl with drug addictions. Its really emotional. And probably not anything like you would think. But, I won’t ruin the story line.
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath is also really good. Its a bit disturbing, though, in some points.
I reccomend The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger, as well.

Add your own answer in the comments!

Question by Katie D: What are some good teen books about disorders?
I read the book “Cut” but Patricia McCormick, “Perfect” By Natasha Friend, and I’m reading “Massive” by Julia Bell.

What are some other good ones about mental/personality disorders?

Even if they’re not teen books, I want some good ones.

Best answer:

Answer by Cheyenne
Go Ask Alice is a really good book. Its about a young girl with drug addictions. Its really emotional. And probably not anything like you would think. But, I won’t ruin the story line.
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath is also really good. Its a bit disturbing, though, in some points.
I reccomend The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger, as well.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!