Recovery program cites success in helping people with addictions
As of August, 53 of the 75 participants who had enrolled in the substance abuse Community Recovery Program since January 2012 had remained sober, or drug and/or alcohol free. CRP Program Manager Lisa M. Smith … CRP can help with employment services …
Read more on Martinsville Bulletin
Jefferson County heroin problem continue to grow
People who are struggling with drug addiction are often in need of housing, jobs and transportation, which is exactly why we need a comprehensive community response.” All said parents and other family members should talk with teens and young adults …
Read more on Watertown Daily Times
Study Finds Workplace Drug Testing Tied to Racial Differences
The drug testing policy exists so that employers can determine if drugs might be an issue for a potential employee. Since drugs and drug addictions can impair one's ability to work and function, some people might argue that drug tests are useful. Even …
Read more on Counsel & Heal
Passages Malibu Marks National Drug and Alcohol Addiction Recovery Month
National Recovery Month happens every September, highlighting the year-round work of addiction treatment. Sponsored and promoted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the month is meant to place a positive …
Read more on PR Web (press release)
A Navy Sailor's Desperate Last Act After Drug Addictions, Depression
Unraveling the skein of events that led to this end, it's hard to avoid seeing what experts say is a major factor in suicide: the powerful influence of drugs and addiction that can deepen depression and hopelessness. Easy, in retrospect, to spot the …
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UK worst in EU for drink and drug addictions: Report finds alcohol and …
Rampant drink and drug abuse makes Britain the 'addiction capital of Europe', a think-tank warned last night. The Centre for Social Justice said alcohol and drugs are now costing the nation a staggering £36billion a year, causing 'family breakdown …
Read more on Daily Mail
Question by Katie D: What are some good teen books about disorders?
I read the book “Cut” but Patricia McCormick, “Perfect” By Natasha Friend, and I’m reading “Massive” by Julia Bell.
What are some other good ones about mental/personality disorders?
Even if they’re not teen books, I want some good ones.
Best answer:
Answer by Cheyenne
Go Ask Alice is a really good book. Its about a young girl with drug addictions. Its really emotional. And probably not anything like you would think. But, I won’t ruin the story line.
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath is also really good. Its a bit disturbing, though, in some points.
I reccomend The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger, as well.
Add your own answer in the comments!
Alcohol Has Killed Thousands Of People Since This Morning. Pot Use Has Killed …
A clear racial disparity is apparent in the enforcement of these laws, as black Americans are nearly four times more likely than white Americans to be arrested for marijuana possession, even though they use the drug at about the same rate. These trends …
Read more on Huffington Post
Art show reveals feelings about recovery
The “What Recovery Means to You” Art and Recovery Show at the Exposure gallery, 333 S. Phillips Ave. in downtown Sioux Falls, showcased artwork created by people working toward recovery from alcohol and drug addictions, or people who have been affected …
Read more on Sioux Falls Argus Leader
Dealing hard drugs can never be excused
According to the latest statistics available from the National Institute on Drug Abuse, nearly 40,000 people died from drug overdoses in 2010. Between 1999 and 2010, the drug-related death rate rose by an astounding 102 percent, according to the …
New programs help former foster-care students succeed at college
Summary. Statistics about educational attainment and life outcomes for young people who "age out" of foster care are dismal. Some U.S. colleges and universities are creating solutions that help these young people transition to successful adult lives …
Read more on Deseret News
Question by Katie D: What are some good teen books about disorders?
I read the book “Cut” but Patricia McCormick, “Perfect” By Natasha Friend, and I’m reading “Massive” by Julia Bell.
What are some other good ones about mental/personality disorders?
Even if they’re not teen books, I want some good ones.
Best answer:
Answer by Cheyenne
Go Ask Alice is a really good book. Its about a young girl with drug addictions. Its really emotional. And probably not anything like you would think. But, I won’t ruin the story line.
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath is also really good. Its a bit disturbing, though, in some points.
I reccomend The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger, as well.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Society is being destroyed by UK's drink and drug addictions, warns think-tank
"Alcohol is taking an increasing toll across all services in the UK and new emerging drugs are causing more harm – all the while funding to rehabilitation centres is being dramatically cut and methadone prescribing is being protected." The CSJ's report …
Mental and Substance Disorders Major Cause of Nonfatal Illnesses
In conducting the first study, researchers in the United States and Australia examined information from 187 countries on 20 mental and substance abuse disorders to determine the prevalence, premature death and nonfatal illness caused by these disorders …
Read more on HealthDay