It's criminal: Ethnic disparity in our prisons
He described two possible defendants: Person A comes from an upper-middle-class family, has enrolled with a counselor, set up drug rehab, and will make restitution. Person B doesn't … The center surveyed 1,821 adults in mid- to late February. And by …
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Doctors say after Narcan wears off, addicts must be careful
Spire Center in Plymouth hopes to become a South Shore destination · Weekends best · Video of the …. The overdose-reversal drug Narcan is a lifesaver, but emergency doctors south of Boston are worried about what happens to drug addicts after the …
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Question by dslkfsdhf: Please! Important question about amphetamine abuse! Also, Focalin XR 30mg Overdose question?
I have had many issues with pill addiction in the past, stopped for 2 years but started again a couple months ago.
Since coming to university it started with 40mg of vyvanse a couple times a week to study but now it’s like week long binges of vyvanse, focalin, concerta, and some others, including methadone which is new for me, but ever since I snorted that I cannot stop thinking about it, it’s gotten to the point where I ask my dealer for it everyday and don’t even realize
Which is my first concern because when I was 14-16 I used to have problems with pills and alcohol and ruined a lot of things/relationships in my life, now I’m 18, failing all my classes because I haven’t been to class in the last month, spending my days just trying to find anyway possible to get high.
The thing I’m worried about is when I come down or am sober I get so depressed I cry for hours, have mental breakdowns/panic attacks, and seriously want to die.
I would never be one to say I have a problem but it’s really scaring me now, any advice or similar experiances?
Other question:
I took a 30mg of focalin xr 10 hours ago and snorted half of one and just took another 30mg like 2 hours ago maybe.
I am tweaking out harder than I ever have right now, like heart is racing, cold sweats, depressed, my whole body is shaking and I’m freezing cold.
What the does that mean?
I didn’t take enough to overdose right?
It’s only 75mg total of the focalin, I’ve taken probably 120mg of vyvanse before but not this much focalin so I don’t know what’s wrong with me.
Have you taken it?
How many mg til you OD?
Thanks everyone!
I don’t care if you judge me
Also! Important!
I am not prescribed anything!
I know it is illegal to buy/sell prescriptions but thats where I am at right now.
Forgot to add –
I’m 5’1, 100lbs
Haven’t eaten in almost 24 hours before popping/snorting that – except have a subway sub like an hour before doing all that last night.
Serious answers please, I know drugs aren’t cool obviously, I am an adult I did attend multiple years of health class throughout Middle School
Best answer:
Answer by eleusis211
You need help. I mean that in the least judgmental way possible. Get yourself checked into a detox if you feel you need it. The time you spend getting your life in order will be so worth it in the long run.
But there is no middle ground. If you can’t control your use you either need to stop using (everything) or try to keep living the way you are. If you don’t believe that, you can keep squandering years of your life like I did or decades like some of my friends did.
Answer by J Miller
The other poster is right, you need help. This is not going to stop if you don’t have help to stop it. You’re going to keep spiraling out of control worse and worse until you get help from someone else. It’s impossible to stop this on your own. If it wasn’t you would already have done it. Please do it now before it gets much much worse and you wake up 30 years old in jail with your life ruined. It happens all the time. It really sounds to me like you are in the early stages of a serious addiction. This is not a matter of using drugs. It’s addiction in it’s truest form.
Can your parents help you? Do you have insurance? If so please call your insurance company and see what kind of treatment they will pay for. You most likely need a lot more than a detox. Remember that quitting drugs is not that hard. It’s not starting again that is hard and most addicts relapse several times before they get clean. I’ve quit using more times than I can count and have been to several detoxes but I’ve relapsed every single time except for the last time I got into treatment seven years ago. But it took me ten years of using and trying to quit before I go there. You don’t want this going on ten years from now but chances are good that it will.
I highly recommend that you take a break from school and focus on your recovery. College is a lot of pressure and you don’t need that right now. You’re young and have plenty of time to do it later when you are in a better place.
One thing you can do today for support is to go to an NA meeting. They are all over and people there can help you go in the right direction. Check their website for times and locations. 12-step isn’t for everyone. It didn’t work for me but it does work for a lot of people and meeting are a great place for support.
Whatever you do please stop using the methadone. Methadone is a great medication for those who need it and are supervised by knowledgeable doctors but it can be an extremely dangerous drug when abused. When it comes to fatal drug overdoses methadone is one of the most common drugs to cause it. It’s not like other pills. It has a half life of over 24 hours so you will still have it in your system and can die from it long after the effects wear off. It slows down your respiration and it’s not uncommon that people die in their sleep because the body simply forgets to breathe because of the methadone and the natural slowed respiration when you sleep.
The dose of methadone that you can handle varies a lot from one person to another and even within one person from time to time. Your friend may be able to take 30mg while you take ten and die and what was okay for you last time may kill you this time. Mixing it with other drugs makes it even more dangerous especially if mixed with other opiates, alcohol or sedatives like benzos.
If you do take methadone please do not take it several days in a row. Because of the long half life methadone will build up in your system and the levels in your blood can become toxic even though you took the same dose every day.
It’s a very, very tricky drug and using it when you are not being treated by a knowledgeable doctor is playing with fire. It’s just not worth it. So many kids have died from messing with methadone.
Action Project: Going beyond immediate drug 'fixes'
Adderall has a high potential for abuse, according to a 2008 U.S. National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health study. Effects of prolonged stimulant treatment have not been fully explored, yet the number of amphetamine prescriptions …
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Every week live bands provide the cialis review 5mg, amphetamine, but it may have even a negative action on the body, but in an easier to digest form that is ideal for anyone who has a hard time swallowing, in this context. Singulair works quickly and …
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Defense: Bradley waived rights while on drugs
The doctor testified Bradley told her he started smoking marijuana at age 12 and fit the pattern of drug addiction. She said marijuana affects a developing mind, and the effects are more pronounced the younger someone uses it. It affects … The day of …
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R.I. Senate panel considers bills to aid treatment of drug addiction
But the bill won the support of the Hospital Association of Rhode Island, the Drug and Alcohol Treatment Association of Rhode Island, the Anchor Recovery Community Center and RICARES (Rhode Island Communities for Addiction Recovery Efforts).
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Preventing adolescent drug and alcohol use
During a forum March 27 at Isanti Middle School, sponsored by Allina Health and Cambridge Medical Center, a panel of experts touched on several topics relating to drug and alcohol use, including current trends, signs and symptoms, legal consequences …
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Drug addicted babies increasing in Boston
… abuse of opiates in Massachusetts. The number of babies born with drugs in their system is increasing rapidly. The drugs causing most of the baby's problems are opiates. … A substance-abuse counselor is located in each obstetrics clinic providing …
DIY Opioid Antidote Gets Fast FDA Approval
Drug overdoses have become the leading cause of injury in the United States. More people between the … Today the Food and Drug Administration approved a long-awaited emergency drug-overdose treatment that family or community members can easily use to …
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Opioid Auto-Injector Can Help Prevent Overdose Deaths
Whether opioids are used by patients as prescribed by their health care professional or are misused or abused, these drugs have one important thing in common: They can all cause rapid and fatal overdose. FDA, along with other organizations, has been …
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Question by georgy: d’ya think i should ask a doctor if i have add or adhd?
so it’s 6am lol, i’ve stayed up all night trying to write something for english, but every time i start to write i get distracted and do something else. i’ve been looking at a lot of drugs, mainly pot lol, and then adarall, which is an adhd drug i guess, and some guy said it made him do school better, and that reminded me of my little brother, who had adhd and took ridillin or whatever, and that made him calm down i guess.
idk, basically i’m socially awkward, easily distracted, and 3 of my step brothers have mental problems lol. and when i was a kid, i guess the school wanted to put me on meds but my parents didn’t want to… i think i’ll buy some adarall on the street and see what happens =p
eh sorry jerry, it seems that argument uses drug addiction and growth slowing as backing, i’m not worried about those things, so i’m still goin for adarall. that adhd self quiz was kind of cheezy i thought.
Best answer:
Answer by Jerry
Questionairres for ADD or ADHD are at (24 questions) & & & Go to : “QUIZZES AND TESTS: ADHD” & Print the completed ones, and take to a doctor, but avoid street drugs; you don’t really know what, or how old they are.
I don’t recommend any of the powerful, and addictive central nervous system stimulants. An increased incidence of abuse of cocaine, crack cocaine, crystal meth, and other amphetamines has been reported among users of Ritalin, and other amphetamine related medications, which may well predispose them to later abuse street drugs, with all the undesirable consequences involved. The only ADHD medication not in the stimulant family is Strattera, which is structurally related to the antidepressants, and carries risks, and side effects of its own.
Take at least 4 Omega 3 fish oil supplements, daily: (certified free of mercury) it is best if consumed with an antioxidant, such as an orange, or its FRESHLY SQUEEZED juice. If vitamin E is added, it should be certified as being 100% from natural sources, or it may be synthetic: avoid it.
Eat more in accordance with your “nutritional type”:- ( 20 question quiz ) or a book is at and also enter “krill oil”, & “ADHD” in their searchbar. Eliminate, or minimise sugar use, replacing with xylitol, or stevia (health food stores). Avoid artificial colours, flavours, sweeteners, preservatives, & MSG. Minimise highly processed grains, & alcohol use. Read: “The A.D.D. and A.D.H.D. Diet! A Comprehensive Look at Contributing Factors and Natural Treatments for Symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactivity” by Rachel Bell, and “Ritalin Is Not The Answer: A Drug-Free, Practical Program for Children Diagnosed with ADD or ADHD” by David B. Stein. You could try your bookstore, , (also enter in their searchbar: “ADHD; natural treatments”).
For “HOW TO BEAT HYPERACTIVITY WITHOUT DRUGS Reversing ADD and ADHD in 20 days” Michael Sichel & Greta Sichel. 2001. Bookbound Publishing. ISBN 1 74011 010 2 go directly to:
Most people are suggestible, to some degree, so you could either seek professional hypnotherapy, or, quicker, cheaper, and more conveniently: Manage ADHD, or: Perfect Partners: Manage ADHD + Improve Impulse Control, and/or: Perfect Partners: Improving Concentration and Focus + Don’t Get Distracted, & Classroom Fascination, & Attention Deficit Disorder
Answer by Ahorn
If you ask, you probably get “yes” answer and you get drugs. Pharmaceutical companies will welcome you as their lifetime and never cured customer trying to cure unbearable side effects of one drug with another drug. The drugs will not turn you into an intelligent, smart and outgoing person. You become a zombie or a maniac. Avoid drugs. If you don’t, good luck, you’re playing russian roulette with your life.
Watch few minutes video with Dr. Mary Ann Block to find answers you are looking for.
Dr. Mary Ann Block
“Because of my medical training, my goal as a physician is to look for and treat the underlying conditions causing the patient’s problem, rather than just covering up those symptoms with drugs. I have seen and treated thousands of children from all over the United States, who had previously been labeled ADHD and treated with amphetamine drugs. By taking a thorough history and giving these children a complete physical exam as well as doing lab tests and allergy testing, I have consistently found that these children do not have ADHD, but instead have allergies, dietary problems, nutritional deficiencies, thyroid problems and learning difficulties that are causing their symptoms. All of these medical and educational problems can be treated, allowing the child to be successful in school and life, without being drugged.”
I would recommend you reading following booklet for parents
and following less than 2 minutes video about psychiatry diagnosis
Psychiatry – NO SCIENCE-NO CURES (4:54min) Do psychiatrists and by them prescribed drugs help people? Hear it from them.
you can also google or yahoo “adhd fraud” – you get good links like
Articles, essays, and other information pertaining to the fraud of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)–Compiled by Dr. Fred Baughman
Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD has been an adult & child neurologist, in private practice, for 35 years.
Here is a little taste of ADHD drugs like Ritalin
You can find facts about Ritalin in this booklet which is available on-line.
It is the fifth booklet from left…
“Even when Ritalin is used as prescription drug, it may have severe side effects including nervousness, insomnia, anorexia (eating disorder), pulse changes, heart problems and weight loss. The manufacturer says it is a drug of dependency.
In June 2005, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a series of public health advisories warning that Ritalin and drugs like it may cause visual hallucinations, suicidal thoughts, psychotic behavior, as well aggression and violence behavior.”
Question by Middleman: Would “addiction” be a covered disability with ADA laws?
I should be more clear. I am specifically wondering about not hiring someone who fails a drug screen.
Or about how much I need to accomodate someone who is dealing with treatment for an addiction.
Best answer:
Answer by MLaw
No. Addiction does not limit normal life activities.
Answer by hobo
I have never heard of that but I have SSD & they don’t cover addictions Don’t talk about at all if applying for SSD Leave out Rehabs in application
Child protection groups warn on aftercare system
Under the current system, once a teen in care turns 17 they are effectively no longer the State's responsibility and receive limited help, which recent tragedies show risks homelessness, drug addiction, and death. The health committee … She said …
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The Vaping Craze
Originally considered smoking cessation devices, the FDA classified and regulated e-cigarettes as medical devices, but in 2010 this definition was overruled and they were regulated as tobacco products. As a result … A member of the Santa Cruz Tobacco …
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