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Posts Tagged ‘drug addict’

Thousands in Wash. could lose addiction recovery services
A sudden and unintended consequence of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is threatening outpatient programs for those who are poor and in recovery for alcohol and drugs. This month, executives of the dozens of publically funded addiction recovery centers …
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Ruling: Recovery home on 36th must close
Those recovering from alcohol and drug addiction are legally considered disabled. The city is now considering whether to petition the United States Supreme Court for a review of that decision, Finnigan wrote in a statement. Because that case probably …
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New OHSU center aims to speed cures for Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis and
Mitalipov and his team are also global leaders in embryonic stem cell research. Last year, the journal Cell published a Mitalipov paper that detailed how his team had reprogrammed human skin cells to become embryonic stem cells capable of transforming …
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Plastics industry is using Big Tobacco's playbook, magazine reports
Creative Commons/Gordon. In 2012, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned the use of BPA in baby bottles and children's drinking cups. … In 2011, Bittner co-authored a paper in the NIH journal Environmental Health Perspectives that reported …

Research Sheds Light on Ubiquitous Enzyme
“It's not like you could just target the PP1 active site for, let's say, diabetes because then you are going to affect drug addiction, Alzheimer's disease and all these other diseases at the same time.” In other words, make a medicine to block PP1 in …
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Intimate partner violence in men who have sex with men is linked to adverse
Intimate partner violence (IPV) among men who have sex with men (MSM) is linked to greater risk of mental and physical health symptoms, substance misuse, and sexually transmitted infections, according to a research article published in this week's PLOS …
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Facing Cape Cod's drug addiction crisis
The high death toll may finally have brought attention to the prescription drug problem specifically and the disease of addiction in general. "We're happy to have the public outcry that is long overdue," said Ray Tamasi, CEO and president of the …
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South Jersey drug treatment providers: For heroin addicts, more inpatient care
That's not a lot of time to see how well a law is working, but addiction treatment professionals in South Jersey have reservations about the law when it comes to a troubling trend in drug abuse. The law, the state Senate bill number of which was S881 …
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Question by Censored: I want to accept Jesus?
I want to accept God and Jesus but I feel that he does not want to accept me.
I am a bad drug addict/alcoholic , have had alot of premarital sex partners(20), ive stolen, ive lied, ive done just about everything a good chirstian doesnt do.
Ive been kicked out of church/youth group when the pastor found out about everything.
I just feel that he doesnt want me. But i have no hope right now and I need something to save me.

Best answer:

Answer by Stimpy
“Jesus” won’t help. Seek professional assistance.

Answer by Banner 18
Then turn yourself around, a non-existent being wont help you. It didnt help me.

Question by sweety: Do you think my ex will stop doing drugs?
I was in a ten year relationship I used to do drugs but I have quit now for almost three years. I left my ex bc it eventually made me sick watching him still do it and be gona all the time doing it bc I no longer allowed it in the house. We have kids and have been seperated for about two years. I’m pretty happy an feel really great since changing my life around:) he still wants to be with me but he keeps lying about still doing drugs. He says he quit now for real and wants to be with us but I’m still really not trusting hom bc he has lied to my face about it so much over the years. I also feel really resentful toward him since he hasn’t really raised the kids with me he just has basically play dates and sleepovers at his parents now every other weekend. Is it worth it for me to not move on ? Do people like him never really quit? Am I wasting my time hoping he will change? Te kids want us together and that’s what is bothering me but I will never if he is still doing drugs bc he is not a nice person as soon as he runs out even if it’s only weed.

Best answer:

Answer by C.R
dont look good.

Answer by patrick
Weed? Really I thought this would be about meth way to over react.

Supporting families coping with drink and drug issues
Brave mums have told how they are coping with their sons alcohol and drug abuse thanks to a new support group for families. Claire Wadsworth is a family support development officer in East Dunbartonshire for the charity, Scottish Families Affected by …
Read more on Kirkintilloch Herald

US Sen. Bob Casey, in Easton, supports bill that fights heroin gateway of
Prescription Drug Abuse Press Conference View full sizeU.S. Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa., speaks today in Easton about a federal bill that aims to help the country better address prescription drug abuse. Easton Sal Panto Jr., left, and Northampton County …
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million sought for drug addiction treatment programs
ALBANY >> New York's growing heroin problem is being fueled by the state's crackdown on abuse of prescription pain medication, drug abuse experts said Tuesday, calling on legislators to provide $ 15 million for treatment programs. One of experts who …
Read more on The Saratogian

Ex-NBA player on drug abuse to Townsend kids: 'Tell on that friend'
Fourteen years later, he was still struggling with a drug addiction that had caused him to leave warm-ups before Celtics games to meet drug dealers, relapse on the day of the birth of one of his children, and nearly die after crashing his car into a …
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Most prescription drug abusers get pills from friends, not drug dealers: CDC
Most people who abuse addictive prescription painkillers get them for free from friends or relatives, while drug dealers are a relatively uncommon source for those at highest risk for deadly overdoses, a government study found. People who abuse the …
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