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Posts Tagged ‘drug addict’

Question by mooo: Poll: What is the difference between being a “drug addict” and being addicted to cigarettes?

Best answer:

Answer by Sara
as bad a cigs are, drugs are worse

Answer by ~`’~
Psychologically speaking, an addiction is something that you’re willing to risk your career, residence, and spouse for. If it’s something that you can give up in order to maintain those things, then it’s a dependency. Most people would have a dependency on cigarettes rather than an addiction, but to be fair, I think most people who abuse hard drugs are probably also capable of quitting with some help. The other difference is that cigarettes are not a drug by themselves: the nicotine is the drug. By comparison, chemicals like cocaine and heroin are isolated substances.

LePage wants to add 22 state jobs to fight drug trafficking
Flanked by law enforcement officers from around Maine, LePage again detailed the large number of Maine babies that are born drug-affected and also criticized the state's methadone treatment clinics meant to help those addicted to painkiller medication …
Read more on Bangor Daily News

Drug damages
It was devastating," Young shared. She was one of several people who shared their stories, raised concerns, asked questions, and put forth ideas Thursday during a community drug abuse forum at Washington State Community College. … In visiting the …
Read more on Marietta Times

Kasich talks education, jobs, and drug prevention
The governor's plan ties in education and job creation along with extra Medicare dollars for treating the region's biggest problem, drug addiction. Brown County has one of the highest drug abuse rates in the state of Ohio and Kasich thinks solving the …
Read more on Georgetown News Democrat

Homeward Pikes Peak's Holmes planning private addiction recovery clinic
"It was a good time for me to depart – and very positively," Holmes said. Holmes' new program is a 30-day treatment center that can house up to 16 people who could receive treatment from a staff of clinicians including a physician, a physician's …
Read more on Colorado Springs Gazette

Drug rehab plans revived, neighbors protest
The message is clear, neighbors just don't want to live next to recovering drug addicts and alcoholics. They say building a drug rehab center at the corner of NW Zenith Drive and East Torrino Parkway would put their property values and families at risk.
Read more on WPEC

Chief Keef Kidnapped, Forced Into Medical Center In "F*ck Rehab" Clip [Video]
Chicago rapper Chief Keef is riding the momentum from his "F*ck Rehab" anthem by releasing an accompanying music video which features him going through extremes to escape a treatment center. Keef's new Blood Money-assisted music video premiered …
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Question by miley cyrus: question? i’m a sophomore doing a research paper on protistution?
but i have no clue how to prove theisis statment on on protistuition i’m so loss and getting stress out over this can some one with a knowledge please help me

Best answer:

Answer by BJ
I only have knowledge on the legal aspect of prostitution but it also helps to know what your thesis statement is and your stance on the topic.

Answer by Ellen
Don’t be stressed. You can hit this one out of the park. A good thesis is something like this:
A very large number of prostitutes trade sex for money to pay for a drug habit. This is a fact that you should be able to support (just Google “prostitution and drug addiction.” I am not an expert in the field, but have read a lot about it, and know that a huge number of prostitutes have a drug habit that costs hundreds of dollars a day to satisfy. Because you cannot make hundreds of dollars a day working at a minimum wage job, or even a decent paying job, many women hit the streets in an effort to make enough fast money to fund their addictions. You can also discuss the fact that drugs and prostitution may be a “which came first, the chicken or the egg” kind of problem. That is, even women who may have gotten into prostitution because they had no means to earn a living otherwise may turn to drugs to ease the pain and shame of trading sex for money. Those women then wind up shackled to a job that they may have thought they’d only do for a short while — because their drug habits get out of control, they cannot afford not to leave.

Play with this, and I’ll bet you come up with a good paper. And relax. Relaxed writers do the best work.

The Homework Fairy, aka Ellen

Experts present papers at mental disorders forum
MENTAL FOCUS: Nearly 120 participants from the Kingdom and abroad will present 54 lectures and 38 research papers at the conference on addiction and mentally disorder which opened in Jeddah on Saturday. (AN photo). JEDDAH: … Addressing the hospital's …
Read more on Arab News

Things to do-March 12-May 3
Hosted by Family Patterns Matter, money raised will go to the programs designed by the youth advisory board to address issues of bullying, drug use, and low self-worth plaguing their peers. Presenting sponsors are Flat Creek Country Club and Cannongate …
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Thursday Papers: Higher-rate taxpayers bear heaviest burden
The Guardian: AstraZeneca has agreed to sell its Alderley Park research site in Cheshire as it moves drug discovery to a new global centre in Cambridge. The Guardian: Britain's property market "furore" is showing the first signs of dying down …

New Beginnings CEO Unravels Top Four Myths Surrounding Teen Heroin Use
New Beginnings Adolescent Recovery Center, the leading teen drug rehabilitation program in the Southwest and one recognized nationwide, has been helping teens overcome addiction for more than 30 years. New Beginnings offers a continuum of care for …
Read more on Insurance News Net (press release)

'To New Beginnings': Bell named Citizen of the Year
“(Bell) surrendered his life, including his drug addiction to Christ, and this new man in Christ became passionate for those who struggle with addition,” Glaize said of Bell. “God gave him a vision – a vision to found a faith-based treatment center in …
Read more on Brewton Standard

Mind control: Alcohol, drug addiction stew in the brain
And cocaine can stop a beating heart. But addiction finds its home in the brain. "Every drug of abuse has its own receptors that it acts on," said addiction specialist Dr. Joseph Beck, head of the addiction program at Ingalls Memorial Hospital in …

Massachusetts City Sees 15 Drug Overdoses in 24-Hour Period
According to Senator Markey's press office, the junior Massachusetts Senator is calling for "expansion of naloxone programs for first responders and bystanders, greater access to proven addiction treatments and modernizing America's addiction treatment …
Read more on BostInno

Mindfulness: New Treatment for Opioid Abuse
Due to the drugs' effectiveness in relieving pain, large swathes of the population receive a prescription for opiates at one time or another. Nearly one third of Americans … Medications, such as Naltrexone, methadone and Buprenorphine are common …
Read more on Decoded Science

Reborn: From addiction to recovery, giving back to others
I got addicted to crack cocaine.” Branch said he suffered a knee injury, and a teammate brought him some cocaine. He recalls doing coke at halftime, and his subsequent addiction, he said, destroyed his family — including his relationship with his twin …
Read more on Journal Times

Risks of gambling addiction
Gambling addiction is a problem that affects between two and five per cent of people in Western societies. The risk factors of compulsive gambling include mood problems, antisocial personality disorders and alcohol and drug addiction. It is a serious …
Read more on Times of Malta

The grip of addiction impacts the whole family
As a school teacher, she didn't want parents to say they didn't want their kids in her class because her son is addicted to drugs, and “there must be something wrong with her,” she said. Mary Jo McMillen, with the … “It's the family member who's …
Read more on Deseret News