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Posts Tagged ‘drug addict’

Question by brittany m: I have a few questions for a paper on Drug Abuse. Please help.?
How do people behave when they are addicted to drugs?
(please put the source – where you got the information)

What are the treatments for Drug Abuse?
(please put the source – where you got the information)

How do you prevent Drug Abuse?
(please put the source – where you got the information)

What is the origin of Drug Abuse? Who started it? Where did it come from?
I think it was the Sumerians but I’m not sure.
(please put the source – where you got the information)

Best answer:

Answer by Witty Wabbit
“What are the Harmful Consequences of Drug Use?” : covers the BEHAVIOUR.

The next page “What is Canada’s Drug Strategy?” discusses about the PREVENTION too.

Treatment, eh?! might help.

I think this article: “The evolutionary origins and significance of drug addiction” might help ya too…

Most importantly,”Drugs distribution and use in ancient environments” will give you a clear picture about the ancient substance abuse.

But I betcha, to trace the origin is an impossible stuff … ๐Ÿ™

Ahhhh that National Center for Biotechnology Information article has everything ya want! ๐Ÿ™‚ Happy “papering” ๐Ÿ˜€

Prescription drug abuse growing in India: UN report
Prescription drug abuse is growing in India and the problem is serious in South Asia, according to a UN report which said drugs enter the region's illicit markets through various channels, being diverted from India's pharma industry and smuggled from …
Read more on Indian Express

Keep up drug abuse coverage, Bridgewater Scout urges Enterprise
BRIDGEWATER โ€“ For a 12-year-old who has overcome years of a speech-inhibiting medical condition, Steven Anderson has no problem communicating his views on the impact of illegal drug use. The fifth-grader at Williams Intermediate School in Bridgewater …
Read more on Wicked Local Easton

Most abusers of addictive prescription meds get them free from friends
CHICAGO (AP) โ€” Most people who abuse addictive prescription painkillers get them for free from friends or relatives, while drug dealers are a relatively uncommon source for those at highest risk for deadly overdoses, a government study found. People …
Read more on U.S. News & World Report

Book Review: Returning The Lost Sheep: Ministry to the Alcoholic and Addict
The author addresses a major point in an alcoholic's recovery. How does one administer Holy Communion to an alcoholic in complete abstinence of alcohol? On page 55, the theologian addresses this issue. Father Moraitis lists and describes twelve core …
Read more on Greek Reporter

Men in drug, alcohol recovery say home would provide them 'a different way to
Both men, who will soon leave Four Winds Recovery Center, said they are recovering from alcohol and drug addiction. Both also said they have relapsed in the past. Without a group home or peers to support his recovery in the past, Phelps said his …
Read more on Farmington Daily Times

Question by Ever Louder: Christian males struggling with “pornography addiction”…do you realize…?
…that if you stop thinking it is a sin to view pornography, you will suddenly lose all interest in it? This is your path to deliverance – atheism.

I’m a pastor.

Best answer:

Answer by Matt Jones

Answer by Islam Is Great
ppl are ruining their lives by their own hands. sad. and only Christians. atheist and all ppl from other religions do bad stuff!! mmmkay. human in general.

People who are cruel to animals pose a danger to society as a whole
Ignoring animal mistreatment because the victims are animals and because of more pressing community issues such as homicides, sex crimes and drug addiction is ethically unacceptable and shortsighted. Prosecutors, educators, newspaper editors and others …
Read more on Washington Post

Techno babies are they a parenting problem or are people suffering from
New research has shown babies and toddlers aged under 3 years old are exhibiting signs of being addicted to smartphones and ipads. … Social Media expert Emma Rose at the University of Northampton felt it was wrong to describe it as an -addiction.
Read more on Northampton Herald and Post

Real Housewives of Atlanta Porsha Williams Suffers Nervous Breakdown?
Whether the star suffered a nervous breakdown or not, much of the public believes this does not show signs of โ€œgrowing up.โ€ … The industry has lost many public figures to death, prison, drug addiction, suffering nervous breakdowns, and financial ruin …
Read more on Guardian Liberty Voice

Question by swtgretchen: Drug addiction……..Cocaine………..?
A “friend” and her boyfriend started out using about 1 1/2 years ago. They finally have decided to quit but it’s really hard. They tried the stay away from everyone that does it and the disassociate themselves with all, but to no avail the friends they did have that didn’t do it now do and sell on top of it. They were there “support” and there aren’t any NA places around here just AA. They are slowly losing everything and I want to help, they can’t “go away for 30 or 60 days” because they have children. What other options?
I have heard there is actually a shot you can get that makes you sick to your stomach if you do it after the shot, rumors true??
sounds like a great idea, although just said “the few friends they did have are now doing the drugs and selling them” anymore bright ideas?
ummm and have YOU even been hooked on cocaine, your rigth even though you see your entire world crumbling around you, you don’t want to stop. The drug makes you numb inside so you don’t have to care.

Best answer:

Answer by melvinschmugmeier
One option is for them to appoint someone using a power of attorney to manage their finances and pay their bills. If they don’t have any money to pay for the drugs, then they can’t really get them without hiding some money [if that’s the case, then they don’t really want to quit.]

Answer by fallenhalonc
Drug addiction……..Cocaine….. i dont know how they got addiction to it i used it for like ever then i just stop doing it aint never done it agin but i haved a firend that got a shot to help her stop

Bennington's drug problem in perspective
Despite the journalistic license taken by the reporter, this is not a community with a drug addict behind every barn or on every street corner. The stories our clinicians … These include good jobs, family supports, decent housing, and hope for the …
Read more on Rutland Herald

Some Wichita residents angry about new Oxford House location
The man who purchased a home there says he's turning the house into a group home for recovering drug addicts. This is something neighbors say they're willing to fight. They call them Oxford Houses and there are more than 2 dozen of them all over Wichita.
Read more on KWCH

Darren Sharper case spotlights sleep drug's dark side
Ambien was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 1992 and soon became a popular remedy for insomniacs, even though its official guidelines have changed in response to reports of adverse effects on users. FDA guidelines warn zolpidem users …
Read more on W*USA 9

Question by Megan H: Drug/alcohol addiction treated like an illness but food addiction people are just called fat, why is that?
I know people who go to N.A. and A.A. and it is free, 2 of them even receive SSI payments as they are too “addicted” to work. I on the other hand, have a food addiction. I’m morbidly obese because of it, but Weight Watchers meetings charge me money to attend. Drug addicts have clinics they can go to for free medical care, I have to pay to go to gym. Mine addiction I’m told is one I can give up with will power, but they have a “disease”..I want to know why is it different? I am so tired of trying only to be shut down at every try and my health insurance would pay for me to go in rehab, but not for weight loss clinic or program. I feel like I should start being a druggie to get any help!
Let me give you a few details. I care for my 80 yr old mother and my 2 grandkids as their parents are off on drugs somewhere and I only get $ 335 from state to help pay for their care. I work 2 jobs just to pay bills and 1 of them is at fast food, the other is for insurance office. I cannot afford to buy better insurance and not eligible for state insurance because they say I make too much. By the end of working 14 hours a day M-F and 8 on Sat, plus all the housework, I am just too tired to work out. And there are plenty of free services for bulimia and anorxia, but not for food addition. I’m not making excuses I just want to know why the system is step up this way.
I eat for free at restaurant job and with the amount I earn I have to because the money has to go to pay for rent/utilities and childcare the state only allows me 40hours a week for the 2 kids. My grocery budget for 4 of us is $ 50 a week, so we eat as cheap as possible and yes that means alot of canned foods and such. People need to get off their high horses and walk a mile in someone elses shoes.

Best answer:

Answer by RdRedWine
GET A BETTER INSURANCE!!! Even mine offers free programs and discounts to fitness clubs and martial arts courses.

Weight Watchers is a FOR PROFIT company. You need to look into support groups.

Check the newspaper and go to health fairs. Some free courses are offered at your local hospital. At some health fairs you can get your diabetes tested, eyes and teeth checked, and blood pressure taken. Check our your YMCA and community building for free classes.

Answer by Shane
I think it’s because drugs and alcohol are actually physically addictive, while food is only mentally addictive at best. You can never be anything more than mentally dependent on food. And I know, I used to weigh 350+ lbs but I finally got my head out of my ass and lost 150 lbs. There is nothing magical about weight loss, you burn more calories than you take in and you lose weight. And if looking better, feeling better, and living longer aren’t good enough reasons for you to break this “addiction”, then nothing will be. Good luck!

Sugar: Nature's gift and curse
In this way, stigma can be removed and one can take advantage of necessary support. 3. … The human being's almost universal enjoyment and insatiable desire for sugar has virtually all of the hallmarks of a true addiction comparable to that associated …
Read more on Poughkeepsie Journal

Delaware clinic of 'house of horrors' abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell to become
The Delaware clinic in which 'house of horrors' abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell performed late-term terminations is being turned into an emergency food and support center for poor families. Lutheran Community Services purchased the building in …
Read more on Daily Mail

Drug abuse forums aim to educate, save lives
At a drug abuse awareness forum hosted by the Council on Addiction Prevention and Education, known as CAPE, and the Wappingers Central School District, Marcia Grant shares the story of her son Roger, who died of a drug overdose in 2011. / Courtesy …
Read more on Poughkeepsie Journal

Question by : LADIES-Why are you so turned off by guys smoking weed?
Im fit,have a job, and go to school. So why are girls so turned off by it?? I only do it once all my responsibilities are taken care of and I would never let it change my relationships with the people I love. So why is it such a deal breaker for girls?? I do it once or twice a week its not like i’m a stoner who “wakes and bakes” all day everyday. im in college btw

Best answer:

Answer by Kaleigh
I personally hate the smell. And I think it’s the fear that it could be something that you’re addicted to.

Answer by No Name
Many don’t like the smell. I like the smell, but one girl that I dated disliked the smell and many of my females friends dislike it just because they think it is a gateway drug.

@Kaleigh: Addiction to it is government propaganda. One can become a habitual user, but one cannot become an adict. Many of those who are in “rehab” or “drug addiction counseling” are there because the other option was jail and a criminal record.