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Posts Tagged ‘drug abuse’

Ex-NBA player on drug abuse to Townsend kids: 'Tell on that friend'
Fourteen years later, he was still struggling with a drug addiction that had caused him to leave warm-ups before Celtics games to meet drug dealers, relapse on the day of the birth of one of his children, and nearly die after crashing his car into a …
Read more on Sentinel and Enterprise

Most prescription drug abusers get pills from friends, not drug dealers: CDC
Most people who abuse addictive prescription painkillers get them for free from friends or relatives, while drug dealers are a relatively uncommon source for those at highest risk for deadly overdoses, a government study found. People who abuse the …
Read more on New York Daily News

UN anti-narcotics panel urges greater stock in prevention, treatment of drug abuse
4 March 2014 – Investment in prevention and treatment of drug abuse can lead to significant savings in health-care and crime-related costs, and alleviate the suffering of drug-dependent users and their families, the independent United Nations body …
Read more on UN News Centre

Renz program offers substance abuse care for minority women
With funding providing by a federal grant from the Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration, minority women age 18 and over will have access to trauma informed services that will provide free substance abuse treatment, mental health …
Read more on Elgin Courier News

Scutari's Bill Drop Imminent and a Gazillion Marijuana Myths
Won't be long before Senator Nick Scutari drops a bill to legalize marijuana for adult recreational use in NJ. I'm guessing his marijuana legalization bill hits the hopper on (or about) March 25th. For folks like me working to end marijuana prohibition …
Read more on PolitickerNJ

Alcohol, marijuana and American youth, Part 2
But not always apparent is the fact that compared to cigarette smoking, marijuana smoking increases by fourfold the concentration of tar chemicals from joints that cause lung cancer, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Studies also …

Medical Marijuana and Halacha
Few in either the halachic world or l'havdil the medical world would argue that if the chemical components of marijuana (THC) were used in medicines that followed the normal way in which medicines are approved, then its use might be recommended and …
Read more on Yeshiva World News

Researchers look to reduce hep C infections for injecting drug user
Despite a number of social/behavioral intervention and educational programs, the spread of hepatitis C (HCV) in people who inject drugs (PWIDs) remains a chronic problem. Now, researchers affiliated with New York University's Center for Drug Use and …
Read more on Science Codex

School programs struggle to keep teens off painkillers
Pairing a school-based program with a home-based intervention proved to be the best method, resulting in a 10 percent decrease in abuse rates. The six-year study of 11,000 teenagers is among the … Abuse of prescription opioids, a form of painkiller …
Read more on Futurity: Research News

Developmentally disabled woman burned, locked in room sues state
Further, the agency says it won't approve someone if there is evidence of drug abuse or criminal conduct. Yet the state approved Laura's nephew … During that visit, the state is supposed to evaluate the client's living situation and environment …
Read more on Q13 FOX

Question by Frickin AWESOME: Why are the drugs………?
That are scheduled, in such an odd order. LSD,weed,DMT, and others are schedule 1. Coke is schedule 2.. and some how xanax is schedule 4????

Best answer:

Answer by Wade H
Drugs are “scheduled” according to “potential for abuse”. The lower the schedule number the more likely a drug has been determined to be problematic. In the case of schedule I drugs there is no federal provision for any medical use or proscription.

Schedule II drugs are dependence causal, have a medical use determination but are not deemed as serious a threat for abuse as Schedule III drugs. Schedule IV drugs are determined to be even less a threat but have potential for abuse and do cause addiction as well. Etc.

These are somewhat accepted definitions; but there is “controversy” ~ largely from those dependent on said drugs.

Nobody questions such schedules who has tried to interdict a drug deal working the job of Deputy with the Maine Game Warden’s Service and has thus been shot 8 times (then, after he one is disarmed a minute later shot 3 more times, then hours later 2 more times ~ by 3 different gunmen ~ with 13 hours elapsing before hospital) all this by dope dealers. And should any fellow lay wounded like that for 6 or 7 hours while customers stroll though the area used by the dealers buying, and commenting how uncomfortable dying that way must be ~ but not actually lifting a cell phone to make a call ~ as I did in 1980, it’s would seriously seem unlikely that fellow would contend that marijuana is “not dangerously addicting” or has a lower “potential for abuse”, than it’s current schedule implies.

Anyone who has noted the rather obvious effects of distilled THC on a population competing with the cheat who uses and then employs his demon to remove competition from any contest he might face in life from employment to who gets the girl, would expect only fun and games to come from legalization.

Any competent legal mind would advocate for remote testing of all employees and pedestrians in public places by spectrograph analysis of breath for both smoke and distilled THC residues; because not to do so allows far worse criminal activity than speeding, and that is OK to remote test for by traffic camera ~ so why not THC ?

I’m a sober man. If I’m being doped I want to know it. 45 % of the USA NEVER USES. I suspect when we come up against a doper for a promotion all of that 45% wants to know if the competition is squirting distilled THC or date rape drugs into our drinks from 10 feet away so-as to inhibit our performance (I actually caught a fellow worker doing this in one of the factories I worked in once ~ don’t laugh, it ain’t funny, I’ve been shot through the head, the dope if there was any in that squirt from a 2 once oil bottle could have caused a seizure and killed me ~ if there was any, she claimed she was “just pulling my leg, seeing how paranoid she could make me, and seeing if a person could squirt a drink from ten feet away” ~ ). THC is orderless and colorless.

You can’t do that with liqueur, it isn’t orderless, and it’s highly reactive, changing other flavors.

Caffeine and Nicotine aren’t much of a performance inhibitor, so cheating a fellow out of his rightful job isn’t as likely if the dope uses tobacco or coffee.

So, wise up to the ways of the doper, and he looks more like the lying cheat he naturally must be, to compete against more sober and responsible people.

Augusta teen raises money for orphans
But perhaps what sets the Cony High School freshman apart from many of his peers is the hard driving he does off the track to raise money and awareness for causes that take hold of the young man's heart. It is, his dad Corey Folsom said, the … Late …
Read more on Morning Sentinel

What Is Addiction?
… plague of both desperate poverty and tortured privilege. The abuse of prescription drugs is an even more widespread problem. But what causes the addiction that lets drug abuse flourish? Is addiction a disorder, a matter of human frailty or …
Read more on New York Times

Professors research causes and solutions to doping in sports
To analyze the pervasiveness of performance enhancing drugs, what causes athletes to use them and what is being done to stop it, a panel of experts gathered Thursday for a symposium titled “How do we prevent drugs in sports?” sponsored by the …
Read more on The Daily Titan

Clinical trial testing new treatment for marijuana addiction
Behavioral Health Services of Pickens County is accepting marijuana smokers ages 18-50 for the trial funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), according to Margaret K. Garrett, research liaison for the treatment center. “Generally we are …
Read more on Greenville News

Georgia Medical Cannabis Bill Amended, Heads to House Floor
The University of Mississippi, in 1986, contracted with the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and the university's lab to grow, harvest, and process cannabis and to ship it to licensed facilities across the country for research. In the bill …
Read more on Atlanta Progressive News

Home + School Programs Modestly Slow Teen Prescription Drug Abuse
As a result, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has recommended restricting access to painkillers such as Percocet, Oxycontin, and Vicodin. “These drugs are very available, and highly addictive,” said Max Crowley, Ph.D., an NIH Research Fellow at …

Prevalence of high school seniors' marijuana use is expected to increase with
The National Institute on Drug Abuse, Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, and Monitoring the Future principal investigators, had no role in analysis, interpretation of results, or in the decision to submit the manuscript for …
Read more on EurekAlert (press release)