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Posts Tagged ‘david cameron’

Depression: New Causes, New Treatments
Depression affects one in 10 Americans at some point in their lives, and the number of patients diagnosed with depression goes up by about 20 percent each year. The World Health Organization says it is the top cause of disability worldwide, and that …
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Cuts to maternity pay increase risk of depression and break-ups, PM warned
Further cuts to maternity pay will create money worries for families that can increase the risk of postnatal depression and broken relationships, a leading charity has warned in a letter to David Cameron and Nick Clegg. In a new appeal, the National …
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Remission from Depression Much Slower in Adults Who Were Abused in
Jan. 9, 2014 — Remission from depression is delayed in adults who have experienced childhood physical abuse or parental addictions, a new study by University of Toronto researchers has found. The study is published this week in the journal Social …
Read more on Science Daily (press release)

Pornography addiction leads to same brain activity as alcoholism or drug abuse
The findings, which tally with recent but unconfirmed reports in the US that porn addiction is no different from chemical or substance addiction, will be seen as an argument in favour of David Cameron's proposals to limit access to some pornographic …
Read more on The Independent

Campaign in Mt. Lebanon targets prescription drug addiction
Mt. Lebanon kicked off a campaign on Wednesday to get old or unwanted prescription drugs out of people's homes, in an effort to stop addiction problems that can stem from prescription drug abuse. The Stop Addiction for Everyone campaign is the first in …
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High time for drug reform but not legalisation says senior Tory MP NICK DE BOIS
But PM David Cameron rejected his plea, saying he does not support the decriminalisation of any drugs that are illegal. Mr Clegg's call for a fresh … Here, senior Tory MP Nick de Bois, who helps lead the party's influential 1922 Committee, argues …
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Woman says church saved her life
Sheila Poorman's teenage daughter causally plays with a cellphone at City Centre Church while her mother tells a story about a former life of drugs and prostitution in Saskatoon and a new life focused on family and faith. The story could be difficult …
Read more on StarPhoenix

Youth carry adult-sized burden as caregivers
These kids' everyday responsibilities often include washing, dressing and giving medication to family members who are recovering from illness or injury, living with chronic diseases, suffering from mental illness, addicted to drugs, alcohol or gambling …
Read more on Vancouver Sun