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Posts Tagged ‘city council’

Students Learn Reality Of Drug, Alcohol Abuse
TOPEKA, Kan. (WIBW) – It was a very real situation for kids and their parents as they learned about the consequences of drug and alcohol abuse Monday night. The Reality Tour walked attendees through three scenarios at the library, each showing how …
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'Step Up Fight Against Alcohol Abuse Among Juveniles'
THE Ndola City Council (NCC) has called for community partnership in the fight against alcohol abuse among the under-age. Last week an 18-year-old girl identified as Sylvia Chanda of Ndola's Chifubu Township died at Ndola Central Hospital from …

Question by Charlene: HOW DO I GET RUST OUT OF BLOND HAIR?!?!?!?!?
HI, i have brown hair now but i want to dye it back bleach blond, but out here we have to use bore water and the rust turns your hair orange or yellow! out were i live in the west its at least 500ks from a hair dresser!! so what can i do that will strip the rust out of my hair and tone it?!?!? thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by Autumn
Sounds like to me you should get a Clarifying Treatment (Malibu) for your hair. You can get one at sally’s beauty supply or if you cant get one from there because you don’t have one of those stores Heres a home remedy….

Instead of going to the salon for a “Malibu Treatment” to remove rust/hard water build-up, use 1-2 packets of lemonade Cool aid, etc… (any brand will do) add a little water to make it like a thick paste. Be careful too much water will make it runny! Work into wet hair, leave on for 15-10 minutes! Rinse out & wash with your regular shampoo. Use a towel or shower cap. The mixture will sting/burn when in contact with your skin, just like in the salon. It works!

Drivers injured in two separate crashes in Wormleysburg Saturday
The collision resulted in injuries to the drivers of both vehicles, whose names were not released by police. They were taken to the hospital for treatment. The driver for the Malibu was cited for several traffic violations. West Shore Regional Police …
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Candidates Spar in First Malibu Council Debate
… and Hamish Patterson put incumbent city councilmembers Lou La Monte and Laura Rosenthal on the defensive over issues of mobile home park safety and rent control, environmental safety at Malibu High and a Civic Center wastewater treatment plant.
Read more on Malibu Times

Olivia Newton-John daughter Chloe Lattanzi pose for pictures on a beach
The famous mother-daughter duo looked picture perfect as they threw a scarf into the air behind them, creating a rather fine spectacle against the Malibu sunset. Mother-daughter time: Grease star Olivia Newton-John and her daughter Chloe Rose … The …
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Question by that 1 chick: What happens at a drug abuse (rehab) class?
Had a random drug test at work today. I may or may not pass. I’ve been there over a year and I know the bosses like me too much to fire me. I talked to a friend that works there and she said its happened before. They didn’t get fired but they made this person do “rehab” (aka drug abuse class)
I was wondering, what the heck do you do in there? Is it like school? How long will it last? How often am I gonna get drug tested?
If you’ve ever experienced that, let me know what goes down. Greatly appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by Marcia
“The program” varies far too much to for us to give you too much insight. You can expect random drug tests for 1 to 10 years however; again depending upon how serious your company is, their insurance companies are, your state’s injury compensation program is, what you tested positive for and how much, how your company’s customers react to positive tests, and how/which/what contracts your company is carrying for their product.

The function of a re-hab program is not to send you to time out or punish you for having used drugs/alcohol. Rather, it is to encourage you to stop using the substance of choice, encourage you to not take up a different substance, and to be able to provide some sort of success statistics. It may or may not include random or routine drug testing for the duration of the program. It may or may not include classroom time, group or individual therapy sessions, or the requirement to attend additional sessions like NA or AA. It may or may not include personal introspection exercises, tools and exercises for future abstinence purposes, and more. Again, the goal is for graduates to no longer use for the rest of their lives after graduation.

It is good that your company does value its employees to give them a chance. Do realize that this is often done on a case by case basis and that the attitudes of the company, an individual boss, or the top tier can change on a whim. Also, that the company probably has a lot of external pressures including considering the cost of rehab for an employee versus the cost of obtaining and training a new hire. Good luck.

Bill would add millions for substance abuse programs
“I think all of us have had issues with someone struggling with alcohol abuse or substance abuse,” he said. “So I wanted to see if we couldn't give more money (for substance abuse treatment and prevention programs) without dipping into another account.”
Read more on Wyoming Tribune

Liquor tax proposed by City Council to fund substance abuse recovery programs
“The neighborhoods in the City of Boston are experiencing the adverse effects of substance abuse and addictions which lead to an increase in crime; and, substance abuse prevention and treatment programs are important services that provide assistance to …
Read more on Daily Free Press (subscription)

Question by killurkellbell: y cant i end my nonstop 12yr drug habit?
at 5am this morning,a week and1/2 shy of my 26th birthday,i sit and wonder for the god-only-knows-how-many-times…why?i finally have found the only closest thing ive ever known to a consistant,stable,somewhat peaceful by comparison life,i have family love and support ive never known before,brand new car,a house ive lived in long enuf to see a tree grow{over a year}4 cats,a dog,faith in god and some self esteem.why do i still feel the unending desire to self-sabatage the life ive worked so hard to achieve with a bag of white stuff that will eventually render me toothless by 30,brainless by 35,ugly and looking 60 by only 40,a 2time loser by 45,and finally{peacefully no doubt}DEAD by fifty,if im lucky enuf for the personal hell to ever luck i’ll live to be 113…does anyone feel me?can anyone be as real with me,i’ll take anything…

Best answer:

Answer by allthrottlenobottle2000
what it boils down to is you have to hit 49 been there done that,now im on the straight and narrow with my own business and doin great.
you have advantages over lots of folks,by havin the family and support u need,now find the will power inside you and “git er done!”,if i can you can.

Answer by Glo
Some, most people need a support system. you need to find the courage, no matter how deep you need to dig. and get yourself in to a rehabilitation center. there you will find the help and assistance you need from compassionate and understanding as well as those educated in drug abuse and addiction. The drug has now become stronger than you! You will also find people like yourself addicted, whose lives have become unmanageable. No one begins using with the idea that the drug will take over their life. And who ever uses, will have a problem, how could you not, the feelings are so euphoric and overwhelmingly great. Go to a center or call the drug abuse hot line in your area for resources there is assistance out there. You first must make up your mind that you are sick and tired of being sick and tired and being a slave to your addiction, it is a disease and unfortunately you will either quit or die with your disease. You are worth so much more than that. Go and seek some assistance, you will find compassionate and loving people to help you, you will also find there are many in this world fighting the same demons. And support comes in numbers. There you will be given the education and knowledge required to have the skills and tools to get yourself sober and stay that way. However, no one can do this for you, you are going to have to make the first step and then and only then, will you have a team of support behind you. Good luck and God bless I wish you the best of luck. If you are serious do it now while the thought is in your mind, tomorrow may be to late. 800-861-1768 or 1-800-622-HELP or 1-800-622-4357

DA to host conference on drug trends, abuse prevention
The Plymouth County District Attorney's office will partner with the city and High Point Treatment Center to host a conference Friday looking into the latest trends in drug use and strategies to combat abuse. email · print. By Morgan True. The …
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Port St. Lucie City Council considering rezoning request that would allow drug
Port St. Lucie City Council considering rezoning request that would allow drug rehab center. By staff report … Port St. Lucie has been battling since at least 2012 with some addiction treatment facilities wanting to settle in residential areas. These …
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Some fear drug rehab facilities could be shut down
… are unregulated and unsafe. The Oxford City Council last month hired an attorney to take legal action against the city's 11 residential drug rehab facilities, which council members said are operating as boarding houses in violation of zoning …
Read more on Sacramento Bee

Former Oxford drug rehab residents concerned over push to close facility
Baker is now worried that Oxford's push to close all drug rehabilitation facilities operating in the city will hurt people who need help overcoming their addictions, but local officials say the facilities are unregulated and unsafe. The Oxford City …
Read more on Anniston Star

Rob Ford promises 'outright war' against city council as they remove mayoral
“Rob Ford is the most honest politician in this country,” Doug Ford said, seconds after saying the mayor was “untruthful” about his substance abuse. Earlier, the mayor took off running after ….. Questions now about salaries in Ford's office. Question …
Read more on National Post

Walmart and McDonald's, Out and Proud as Corporate Scrooges
A full-time salary at the current minimum wage of $ 7.25 an hour would make for an annual $ 15,080 a year, a few hundred dollars below the poverty threshold for a single parent with one child. A vote is expected in the … But the problem isn't just a …
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