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Posts Tagged ‘big tobacco’

New OHSU center aims to speed cures for Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis and
Mitalipov and his team are also global leaders in embryonic stem cell research. Last year, the journal Cell published a Mitalipov paper that detailed how his team had reprogrammed human skin cells to become embryonic stem cells capable of transforming …
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Plastics industry is using Big Tobacco's playbook, magazine reports
Creative Commons/Gordon. In 2012, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned the use of BPA in baby bottles and children's drinking cups. … In 2011, Bittner co-authored a paper in the NIH journal Environmental Health Perspectives that reported …

Research Sheds Light on Ubiquitous Enzyme
“It's not like you could just target the PP1 active site for, let's say, diabetes because then you are going to affect drug addiction, Alzheimer's disease and all these other diseases at the same time.” In other words, make a medicine to block PP1 in …
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Intimate partner violence in men who have sex with men is linked to adverse
Intimate partner violence (IPV) among men who have sex with men (MSM) is linked to greater risk of mental and physical health symptoms, substance misuse, and sexually transmitted infections, according to a research article published in this week's PLOS …
Read more on EurekAlert (press release)