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Posts Tagged ‘alcohol treatment programs’

Second chances
“What brought me here was my drug use,” she said while sitting in the Day Reporting Center just after attending a Moral Reconation Therapy class. “I'd been using off and on for the past 16 years. I've been in and out of prison a couple … For a long …
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Marijuana Legalization Bill To Be Introduced In Maryland
The bill would tax marijuana at a rate of $ 50 per ounce at wholesale levels, and the first $ 5 million in revenue generated would go to drug and alcohol treatment programs, as well as education. Some might be happy to hear the bill would also require …
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Scripps Research Institute Scientists Develop Promising Drug Candidates for
“Compounds that act at kappa receptors may provide a means for treating addiction and for treating pain; however, there is the potential for the development of depression or dysphoria associated with this receptor target,” said Laura Bohn, a TSRI …

Britain OKs Asylum For Atheist
Lindsey Graham told The Daily Beast Tuesday he was working with Cantor to bring up the Menendez-Kirk bill in the House, where it will surely pass, as a way to pressure Reid to act. “I am thinking of a House-first ….. DeFour treated his waitresses …
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Question by Joe B: Why would any sane individual agree to 3 strike laws when it comes to addicts and drugs?
Is that the same thing as giving a obese individual 3 strikes to lose weight, on the 3rd strike if they remain fat they go to prison for 10+ years while the taxpayers float the bill?
The point here is that addiction is very hard to overcome despite the label being put on it. Applying 3 strikes on something that is so hard to over come (given the courts do not focus on rehabilitation anymore) seems ignorant to the fact that addiction can’t just end on a whim.

Best answer:

Answer by Captain Snarky
Except it’s not illegal to be fat or even morbidly obese. If you break the law, you go to jail. If you repeatedly break the law, you go to jail for a long time. No sympathy for the devil. Buy the ticket, take the ride.

Answer by Jo
Fat people don’t rob others to support their habits.
Fat people aren’t going to kill someone because of altered perceptions under the influence of food.
Addicts can be violent and are a threat to the society at large.
Even in a rehab, there’s a good chance that the tax payers would be footing the bill-at least in jail they can’t harm others.
So I have to respectfully disagree with you on this one.

New Addiction Helpline Guides Teenage Addicts to Recovery
The Sidney Adolescent Rehab Helpline has been established to help young adults access reliable information about drug and alcohol treatment programs in their area. The helpline is providing a much-needed resource for teenagers who previously didn't …
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Drug Rehabilitation Center Is Now Servicing the Hammocks, Florida, with
Drug Rehabilitation Center is pleased to announce that its drug and alcohol treatment programs are expanding into The Hammocks, Florida area. For anyone needing immediate help they can call their 24 hour drug addiction hotline at 1 (888) 444-9148 or …
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Question by Shell Laylee: What kind of physician should I see about a Vicodin addiction?
I’m a 22 year old female trying to kick a 2 year long vicodin addiction. I’m not sure what kind of physician to see or where to go. There are outpatient clinics that specialize in addiction and I also have a psychiatrist but both of whom are unable to see me for another month. Is there any way that a family practitioner or a pain specialist could help me out? If so, how do u think they would go about treatment? Any advice is appreciated,
much love

Best answer:

Answer by 5th Horseman
I think rehab would be right up your alley.

Answer by Murf
See if there are any Narcotics Anonymous meetings in your area. They should be able to help.

EPD investigating k drug treatment embezzlement; County service provider
In addition to providing transitional housing through the Serenity Inn, the organization treats another 100 or so people through three residential facilities, which offer longer term drug and alcohol treatment programs. The longer term stays range from …
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Time to Let It Go

Image by ShuttrKing|KT
Time to Let It Go

Everything happens for a reason
And you aint gonna stop it
If you build your own prison
Only you have a key to unlock it
Lyrics from ‘Let it Go’ by the Randy Rogers Band.

Earlier this year, former OSU Basketball coach, Sean Sutton, son of legendary basketball coach, Eddie Sutton, was arrested under charges of illegally buying and consuming prescription drugs without a prescription. Sean was addicted to Oxycontin and other painkillers he had been prescribed earlier, and was now finally coming to terms with his addicted. A low point in his life, for sure. Sean went into an intensive drug rehab program in Utah for 115 days, 25 more days than he was required to do, and after coming to terms with his own addicted, began to become a light for other members of the program. Today was Sean Sutton’s hearing at the court here in Stillwater, he plead guilty, addressing the media in a special press conference just before the hearing, taking full blame and responsibility, hiding nothing. Sean was given 3 years probation, fines, and community service. The world needs more folks who understand the weight of situations, who understand when they have done wrong. To truly apologize and mean it, Sean Sutton didn’t hide at all today, he took the criticism and showed a lot of strength. Heres to wishing a great recovery for Sean Sutton, his family of his wife and 3 kids.

I shot these for the paper on campus today, it was crazy, about 8 other photographers from newspapers state wide, and news crews and reporters from every news station here in Oklahoma were here, and I was right in the thick of it. I tried to mix it up a bit, I didn’t have quite the equipment some of the other photogs had, all I had on me was my 50mm. Did my best though I think…

Drug Rehab Center Laredo Attempts to Reduce Relapses with New Treatment
Drug Rehab Center Laredo is working to create awareness of the need for further treatment and support even after recovering addicts have successfully completed stays in rehab. New treatment programs available at Drug Rehab Center Laredo now include …
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New Alcohol Treatment Programs Now Available at Drug Rehab Center Allentown
Drug Rehab Center Allentown has restructured their treatment programs to help people struggling with alcohol abuse to focus on living in a world where they will come face to face with their addiction on a regular basis. The legality and availability of …
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New Alcohol Treatment Programs Now Available at Drug Rehab Center Allentown
Many people do not consider alcohol to be a harmful or addicting drug, even though an addiction to alcohol can cause as many problems as an addiction to an illegal street drug like heroin. Sam W., a certified addiction specialist at Drug Rehab Center …
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Drug Rehab Center Scranton Offers New Treatments for Drug and Alcohol
The staff at Drug Rehab Center Scranton has designed new programs to appeal to addicts who want to become sober, but who may be afraid of the rehab process, think it will cost too much, take too much time away from their lives, or simply not work for them.
Read more on PR Web (press release)