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Posts Tagged ‘alcohol abuse facts’

Liquor store plans ignore community wishes
"Full opening hours equals alcohol abuse, reduced hours equals reduced abuse, and no hours equals no abuse." Suggestions that problems caused in the area in previous years were due to poor management by Chiman Patel rather than the presence of the …

Public improvement plan to tackle health issues
Statistics show that northeastern Colorado adults have a higher rate of physical inactivity than those in the rest of the state, while children are more physically active. The Northeast Colorado Health Department is developing a Public Health …
Read more on Brush News Tribune

Economic Growth, Poor Health Linked In New Study
<a href="" target="_hplink">Even drinking wine with dinner and then taking prescription sleep aides can be a lethal combination</a>. A U.S. Department of Health …
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Prescription drug, alcohol abuse facts shared in Missoula
MISSOULA – A community conversation focusing on prescription drug abuse and the effects it is having on our youth drew a packed house at the University of Montana on Tuesday evening. The topic of prescription awareness unveiled some scary facts about …
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Hawaii Teens Drug Abuse Facts
Hawaii is the ideal epitome of paradise. The state is known for its warm tropical climate, breathtaking natural scenery, and abundance of beautiful beaches that make it a popular destination for tourists from across the globe. But like the rest of the …
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Seattle Scientologists Forge Alliances to Curtail Drug Abuse
Seattle Scientologists distribute The Truth About Drugs booklets throughout the year to reach youth with the facts so they can make informed decisions and live drug-free. 2012 was a year of collaborative community efforts to tackle drug abuse …
Read more on CisionWire (press release)

Lake County coroner changes manner of Darrin Hanna's death in controversial
North Chicago Mayor Leon Rockingham Jr. said in a statement, "It is our hope that his conclusions were based on an objective, clinical review of the facts in this case and nothing more." Yancey declined to comment on the process that led … Officers …
Read more on Chicago Tribune

Brutal traditions of Aboriginal culture have no place in society today
These facts sit uncomfortably with the ideology that Aboriginal suffering can be alleviated by returning to a more traditional lifestyle in self-determined communities. Such discomfort is blunting critical scrutiny of Aboriginal violence statistics …
Read more on The Australian

Violent woman sentenced to almost four years
She has also had violent relations with all her common-law partners, has suffered from substance abuse since she first starting drinking at the age of nine, and she has Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Judge Timothy Hironaka said Cardinal failed to …
Read more on Lethbridge Herald

NRA Gun Control Crusade Reflects Firearms Industry Financial Ties
“We know that the facts prove gun bans do not work and that is why they are not supported by the majority of the American people,” the letter said. Cox promised that the NRA would adopt … “The NRA clearly benefits from the gun industry,” William …
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Drug addicts considered in New York’s Medicaid reforms
State officials are digging into the details of how to save money in the Medicaid program, and to the dismay of some local lawmakers they say the best way to to achieve that long-term goal is to add more preventative services, all while restructuring …
Read more on Press & Sun-Bulletin

Ocean City dealing with ‘overwhelming increase’ in heroin cases
In an effort to reverse an “overwhelming increase” in heroin abuse in Ocean City this year, police in Maryland’s largest beach resort launched a broad, weeks-long investigation into the local drug trade — resulting last week in the indictments of more …
Read more on Baltimore Sun