Substance Abuse Treatment is necessary for those who have developed an addiction to alcohol or drugs. Alcohol and drug abuse continues to be very serious and one of great concern. This is largely because addicts not only harm themselves but also become a threat to those closest to them (their family, friends and children) and also to the community. Those severely hooked on drugs may engage in illicit and illegal activities such as theft, robbery and prostitution to support their habit. They may also be unable to work and care for themselves and their families. For these reasons, social programs are in place to treat individuals who have become overwhelmed by substance abuse problems. Inexpensive or free Substance Abuse Treatment programs are available in just about every state.
Substance Abuse Treatment programs offer services in various formats. Some are residential and others are outpatient. There are some centers that offer medical detoxification, other counseling and still others, support groups. When choosing a program, it is a good idea to keep this in mind and then choose one that seems like the best fit.
Residential programs: These are live-in facilities that are generally pretty strict. Individuals will eat, sleep and get counseling (often individual and group) right at the center. They may not be able to communicate with their family or friends. Often times, a person will stay until they get clean. These types of programs tend to work pretty well but can be costly, though not all of them. There are facilities of this type that are affordable. This is largely due to grants or government subsidies.
Outpatient programs: These types of facilities allow individuals to live at home and visit the rehab center only for scheduled counseling sessions or meetings. These tend to be the most cost effective Substance Abuse Treatment centers.
Medical detoxification programs: These programs help individuals get rid of the drug residue that is in the body of an addict. In order for a person to begin rehab they must first be free of drugs. A medical detoxification program will administer drugs to addicts in order to lessen the withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal can be very taxing on a person both physically and psychologically. As a result, it is often necessary for them to get help. A detox program can help provide that. When looking into programs to join, make sure that they are properly accredited and have the necessary certifications. This will increase the chances that a particular program will be able to provide safe, quality care.
Substance Abuse Treatment will be necessary for some addicts. Not every person will be able to successfully go at it alone. There are very many good Substance Abuse Treatment programs that will be able to provide sufficient care. It is important that an individual take their time and find a rehab center that will likely work best for them.
Tags: drug abuse, medical detoxification, substance abuse, withdrawal symptoms