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Second Chances

Second chances
“What brought me here was my drug use,” she said while sitting in the Day Reporting Center just after attending a Moral Reconation Therapy class. “I'd been using off and on for the past 16 years. I've been in and out of prison a couple … For a long …
Read more on Chico News & Review

Marijuana Legalization Bill To Be Introduced In Maryland
The bill would tax marijuana at a rate of $ 50 per ounce at wholesale levels, and the first $ 5 million in revenue generated would go to drug and alcohol treatment programs, as well as education. Some might be happy to hear the bill would also require …
Read more on Huffington Post

Scripps Research Institute Scientists Develop Promising Drug Candidates for
“Compounds that act at kappa receptors may provide a means for treating addiction and for treating pain; however, there is the potential for the development of depression or dysphoria associated with this receptor target,” said Laura Bohn, a TSRI …

Britain OKs Asylum For Atheist
Lindsey Graham told The Daily Beast Tuesday he was working with Cantor to bring up the Menendez-Kirk bill in the House, where it will surely pass, as a way to pressure Reid to act. “I am thinking of a House-first ….. DeFour treated his waitresses …
Read more on Daily Beast

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