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Renascent Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centre Launches Concert Series

Renascent Drug And Alcohol Treatment Centre Launches Concert Series
According to its literature, Renascent "facilitates recovery, education and prevention relating to alcohol and drug addictions through a continuum of programs and services for individuals, families and organizations." Since 1970, more than 40,000 …
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High or dry? Staying sober for New Year's Eve
Occasional drinkers fail to moderate and addiction programs around the country note upticks in patient loads soon after the new year, high season for relapsers and those seeking treatment for the first time. “Alcohol is often center stage at holiday …
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The Importance of Alcohol Rehab Centers
The type of treatment that will be given to him depends on his or her current alcohol addiction level. Not every patient can be given the same type of treatment. While some of the patients may be required to go for inpatient programs, others may …
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