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Penn Researchers Use MRI to Study Drug Addiction

Penn researchers use MRI to study drug addiction
Neuroscientists at the university's Center for Studies of Addiction are using MRI research to understand how opiates hijacked the reward system in Ellis' brain. By watching how regions of the brain react to drug-related photos, or cues, researchers …
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Did Adelson's Wife Use Drug Clinic to Fund GOP War Chest?
(Photo: Doug Mills / The New York Times)According to, The Adelson Clinic for Drug Abuse Treatment and Research was the fourth largest contributor to right-wing political action committees (PACs), political parties and outside spending …
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Hollywood's Drug AddictionBetter Movies Through Chemistry
As Steven Soderbergh's upcoming film "Side Effects" demonstrates, drugs-from antidepressants to psychedelics-play a major role in American movies. Why screenwriters and directors are addicted to them. Don Steinberg has details on Lunch Break.
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