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New England Editorial Roundup

New England editorial roundup
Drug problem? Rageaholic? Racist? Town drunk? No problem. It doesn't matter; you get a gun permit. The tragedy in Sanford is behind us, but the lesson is clear — in real life, there are no winners or happy endings, even in a legally justified shooting …
Read more on The San Luis Obispo Tribune

Little evidence harm reduction reduces harm
In addition, the federal government's Advisory Committee on Drug Injection Sites report only five per cent of drug addicts use the injection site, three per cent were referred for treatment and there was no indication the crime rate has decreased, as …
Read more on Vancouver Sun

Scientific Juice Fasting Can Be Your Health Solution!
In fact, many of our clients on seven continents are happy to discover, post-fast, they've lost their appetite entirely for addictive, health-damaging drugs such as caffeine, nicotene and alcohol–none of which are taken during FCI Programs–as well as …
Read more on Sierra Express Media

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