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Latest What Is Drug Abuse and Addiction News

I-Team: Prescription drug abuse an epidemic
Prescription drug abuse is causing overdoses and turning regular people into criminals. Popping painkillers, becoming addicted and then taking extreme measures to get more pills. Prescription drug overdoses now outnumber those of heroin and cocaine …

U.S. Drug Czar: 'I Was Wrong. Addiction Is Not A Moral Failing'
On the subject of tackling addiction, the plan announces several important developments, including that insurance plans will be required to cover treatment of people with substance abuse disorders, the federal government will fund some vouchers for …
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Michigan Addicts Newly Eligible For Treatment
Randy O'Brien, the director of the Macomb County Office of Substance Abuse, said there are usually about 80 people on a waiting list there for residential treatment and methadone, a drug used to treat drug addiction. But officials said the number of …
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