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Latest Marijuana Addiction Treatment News

The addict's stigma: Perception of weakness hampers treatment: Editorial
And, as The Star-Ledger's Dan Goldberg reported in last Sunday's editions, many families find convincing their health insurers to cover addiction treatment is a life-and-death struggle. Some commit fraud, lying their way into inpatient rehab programs …
Read more on The Star-Ledger – (blog)

Team provides intensive support for people with mental illness
Others have more tenuous situations, struggling with substance abuse or more active mental illness and are more wary about treatment. For most people …. The client smokes marijuana because it makes the voices she hears quieter. Magisano and Sacerdote …
Read more on The Connecticut Mirror

Junk Food Addiction Drives the Obesity Epidemic
Other research has shown that the ingredients in junk food, especially vegetable-based oils, act on the brain in similar ways to marijuana, inducing hunger by causing the body to produce substances called endocannabinoids. Simply put, our bodies are …
Read more on PolicyMic

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