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Is It Possible to Be “addicted” to Drugs in General, and Not One Specific Substance?

Question by EastBay925: Is it possible to be “addicted” to drugs in general, and not one specific substance?
First of all I’m 19, (A college student with a 3.7 GPA not a bum) & my whole life I’ve had what is in psycological terms a “Sensation Seeking Personality”, or a “Novelty Seeking Personality.” I enjoy adventure (I’ve traveled to 4 countries, including many unsafe zones where other travelers were terrified to go) and almost always value an experience rather than being able to focus on long term goals. I also have ADHD so I get bored easily, and need stimulation to be able to relax the mind and focus on college work.I’ve also had a difficult childhood with anxiety/depression in the past. Now that you know my background here is my situation.

I’ve never been addicted to any actual specific substance, but I am constantly seeking stimulation to improve my performance (tired of teachers saying I’m a troublemaker & parents losing hope in me despite effort), starting with overloading on caffiene daily for years now. When I tried Marijuana, it was like a miracle, I could finally relax for hours at a time doing homework instead of being overly active in this “office job” society. Tabacco relaxes me temporarily. I used to take ecstasy in early high school at school and whenever i did my teachers would congratulate my good behavior and quality work (it was actually raising my dopamine to a regular level). Cocaine (only done 3 times) stimulates me for an intense 30 minute study session (what would take me hours to do sober). Meth could help me stay on task for days and people would think its a change of heart for the best, but unfortunately it’s not. Keep in mind when sober (my whole life till 18 years old with a handful of exceptions) I am unproductive (in academic terms) and can be extremely impulsive and even aggressive.

I work part time and get checks of 100-190 every 2 weeks and I find that most if it goes for weed 4x a week, maybe a bottle of rum on a Friday, and etc. I also buy food but I never have any cash leftover.

Is this predictable of future addiction problems?

Best answer:

Answer by LaBlueEyes
To answer your question, Yes, it is possible to have an addictive personality.

Answer by Jordan
Yes it is possible. and if you are looking for help. You can read about Sober Living homes. This is very different from rehab facilities and I know just the place, my cousin went to Casa Nuevo Vida in L.A. and came out after 8mos. addicted-free 🙂
