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Is D.A.R.E Working to Prevent Drug Abuse in Teens or Is It Just a Waste of Tax Dollers?

Question by Dbl-A-ron: Is D.A.R.E working to prevent drug abuse in teens or is it just a waste of tax dollers?
D.A.R.E has been around for about 20 years, is it working to prevent drug use in the youth of America? I’m not sure it is, seeing that the number of drugs being used hasnt decreased in decades. Why are we paying for a program that isn’t working? D.A.R.E uses scare tactics when teaching about drugs. I remember hearing that marijuana causes severe brain damage, but studies show this to be false. Also it cause lung cancer, recent studies have also shown this so called “fact” to be false. Why are we allowing these programs to lie to the youth?

Best answer:

Answer by Keiser
waste of tax dollars. The school system think that by allowing for children to experience these types of programs that they will be able to not get hooked onto drugs…they are wrong.

Answer by allycat12894
You can’t hold the programs responsable for what the kids in them do. there will always be idiots doing drugs. and i don’t think it is a waste of time because it helps kids know the facts about what they are doing to themselves. and i was in it and because of it have never and will never do drugs.

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