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Question by Star D: Intervention?
Is it possible to check a family member into rehab without their consent? Does anyone know what the procedure is for that? He is 28 and of course says he is “not addicted.” He is killing himself with drugs and from what we’ve heard he has to agree to be checked into any treatment facility. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
He is my brother. My closest family. What am I supposed to do then just watch him die?

Best answer:

Answer by Caroline
usually addiction to drugs can not be overcome unless the individual who is suffering reaizes they have a problem. You will just need to wait and support them. Try not to judge

Answer by dreamer 2
Due to his age then no it is not possible to have hom checked into rehab with out his consent.But you also say that you have heard that he has agreed to go himself…so thats the best time to help him get there.Also depending on what drugs he is using then his behaviour might very well end him up in a treatment center without his consent( such as violent or sucidal or criminal behavours)I am not saying he is like this as it can depend on what he it using and what effect it has on him when he is unable to obtain the substance that he takes.
Also i agree with the first answer that you cannot help anyone with an addiction problem until they recognize it themselves and want to do something about it.I know that its hard to watch some one going through this sort of thing but there are groups to help friends and relatives who are being affected by addiction.Depending on where you live…for alchol there is anolon and for others there are other groups but i cant given you names as i said it depends on where you live….perhaps looking in the community section of the phone book that your country uses…under help and support…where i come from there is a huge list of numbers in the yellow pages and the white pages( phone book and adress directory)
Good luck to you and your family and this young man.

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