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How Long and How Often Do You Have to Drink to Get Addicted?

Question by Epi E: How long and how often do you have to drink to get addicted?
I mean like. Is it a change to get addicted if you drink 2 days/week forever? And how long would you have to drink; everyday in order to get addicted?

Best answer:

Answer by paul
it does not matter how long or how much. its more like you have to have it then you have a problem..good luck

Answer by Cheryl G
The answer to that question is as varied as the people who are addicted to alcohol. Sometimes it can start with one drink. Yep, just one.
For most people, addiction to alcohol starts very slowly and before you are aware of what’s happening, you have a big problem.
Best option: Don’t EVER drink more than your capacity. Know what it is and don’t overindulge. Drink only when you are in a social situation, never when alone. Never take a drink in the morning to “cure” the hangover from the night before.
Drink a glass of water after every two drinks, no matter what they are. Sip, don’t chug.
Alcohol is a drug. You should have a fully mature adult body and brain before you drink. The law says 21, and that’s a good idea.

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