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Help! Can You Tell Me How to Get Rid of Hair Build Up?

Question by [bre’ bby)*: help! can you tell me how to get rid of hair build up?
i don’t know whats wrong with my hair, i think it has product build up, because its been feeling really heavy, any home remedies? I have color in my hair, so please make sure the home remedies wont fade my color. Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by Kaitlyn
After you wash your hair dont douse it in heavy chemicals. Find a light hair mixture that wont weigh down your skull. Like use i mouse instead of hair spray and just substitute the rest.

Answer by Tiffanyb17
I know there are these “hair masks” that you can use. Those are at any store in like a lotion bottle. They work ok, but I would go for something like a “Malibu treatment”. Thats not something you can do at home (for all I know..) but it works very well at getting build up out of your hair.