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Archive for the ‘Drug Addicts’ Category

Question by : Why Do People Hate Eminems “Recovery”?
I’ve heard all of his stuff. I think Recovery is him at his peak. Why do people think he got worst?

Idk, I’d get pretty tired if he released another album complaining about his wife, mom, drugs ect…
*I’ve heard all of his stuff.

Best answer:

Answer by Paul
have you heard not afraid?

that is the corniest song i have ever heard

Answer by Makaveli
It’s not as on point lyrically, and not edgy enough for me… I still thought it was a great album though, just not the same and definitely not him at his peak

Recovering drug addicts share message of recovery at Horicon heroin summit
"It started with my father," Darby said. "He literally died with a rope around his neck and a needle in his arm." "I thought social drinking and drugs was just common," Alvarado said. The Fox Valley natives grew up surrounded by alcohol and drugs …
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Question by only hope: addiction to reading books?
im a complete book worm! i like reading becasue it helps me relax and calm down and not think about……bad stuff….is a way of putting it (you might want to check out my other ? for more details). but that’s the problem! some people are addicted to drugs, or alchol, or food er somthing. but i seriously think im addicted to books. i could read for ever and ever and ever……what draws the line of an addictin && doing somthing for one’s personal enjoyment? and is this a bad habit?
yay! im not the only one! i completely agree-it relaxes me and makes me feel like i can be a completely different person. i dont think i can give out 10 points because i like all of the awnsers. thanks very much for you words of wisdom!

Best answer:

Answer by Mandieee .
It’s not a bad habit, I’m the same way. Hahaha. Reading is good for you and your mind!

Sorry, I’m desperate!

Answer by Angel_Blue
no it’s not addictive… it makers you a better thinker, more intellectual from being exposed to so many different authors, points of view, classics, genre novels, etc. I starting reading like you at age 10, reading at a level way beyond my years. i think books are amazing… they help you use your imagination, try to out think bad guys, plot twists, and question why certain books were written the way they are. Not to mention you are training your brain to THINK — not to depend on the Internet and every instant-now devices America loves. Read all you want, the more the better. that’s what books are for.

Female Journalist Gets Rape Threats Over Comic Book Criticism
A great deal of ink has gone to speculating whether people who go into these specialties are corrupted somehow from regular human-ness to addict, or whether a certain type of person—one with an intense interest in drugs and drug addiction and danger …
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Anne Lapedus Brest Presents Her Memoir Catastrophe: Oy Vey, my Child is Gay
Catastrophe is the story of a Jewish mother who discovers, much to her shock and horror, that not only is her once well-grounded, beautiful, talented, and King David-educated daughter, gay – but she's also a down-and-out drug addict, hopelessly hooked …
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Senators reject lesser marijuana penalties
BATON ROUGE — Louisiana won't lessen its penalties for marijuana possession, keeping laws on the books that allow people to be jailed up to 20 years for repeat offenses of having the drug in hand. Senators narrowly refused Tuesday to reduce the …
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Psychedelic tabs ordered online
He added that Harrison had no previous convictions, had co-operated with police, and had referred himself for drug counselling. "You now realise what a big mistake you made . . . " He saw no benefit in ending Harrison's studies by sending him to jail.
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Elections make addicts overstay at Punjab rehabilitation centres
Fearing free distribution of drugs and liquor during elections, the families of drug addicts are prolonging their stay at various de-addiction, counselling and rehabilitation centres across the state. Various addicts undergoing counselling a nd …
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Musical Divorce 2: A Strategic Approach to Copyright Issues in Band
… (e.g. Majority Voting, Consensus, Unanimity); Division of Responsibilities; Meetings of Partners; Books and Records; Bank Accounts; Dissolution, Adding or Removing of Band Members; Amendment of the Band Agreement; and Dispute Resolution including …
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Author Irvine Welsh flushed drugs given to him by Trainspotting fans down the
But the 55-year-old Scottish writer, whose new book “The Sex Lives of Siamese Twins” is out next month, said he never took them. The former drug addict said: “After Trainspotting fans used to slip me drugs at book readings. “I guess they wanted to get …

Question by will: what do you do when you report something to the police and they dont do anything about it?
What do you do when you report to the police about children being at a known drug house? I have seen people come in and out of this house at all hours of the night and recently noticed a guy is living there and he has two daughters that i know of that he gets visitation? One daughter is about 2 years old and his other daughter looks to be about 5 or 6. I have reported this to local police and the sheriff and family services and they have done nothing. this is a small town where everyone knows everyone. I dont know what to do. I dont want to see something happen to those children.

Best answer:

Answer by baby otter
I would google “non profit child abuse prevention” in your city. Most of them have 1800 numbers, and will most likely give you a solid answer on how to take care of this situation. The Children’s Defense Fund’s Number is Tel: 800-CDF-1200 (800-233-1200). They are a wonderful national organization that advocates against child abuse.

Roundtable on heroin, opioid addiction in Carmel
The bipartisan task force is chaired by Senator Phil Boyle (R-C-I, Suffolk County), chairman of the Senate Committee on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse. Members will examine the issues and solicit input from experts and others about addiction prevention and …
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Opinion: When substance abuse impacts the workplace
Prescription drug abuse has reached epidemic status. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has reported that more people die from prescription painkillers than from heroin or cocaine1, and that one person is dying every 19 minutes2 in …
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The drug that stops heroin
"Things are happening very quickly," said Penny Bruce, a public health employee for the city of Medford and coordinator of the Massachusetts Opioid Abuse Prevention Collaborative for Medford, Malden, Melrose, Stoneham, Wakefield and Reading. "A lot of …
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Question by Watercup: How is “addiction” defined? Is one addicted to marijuana if they were at some pt and were sober for years?
but they are sometimes using it again? I just wonder bc I listen to Dr. Drew and he is always calling people addicts and it seems he does it whether they are using now or have before… (for any substance). Shed some light please!

Best answer:

Answer by hunter
weed isnt addicting

Answer by akle n
marijuana is not addictive, its the mind set of having a good time when you smoke that makes you want to do it again. But ya i think he does do it that no matter what, maybe to make them understand. If i was called an addict i would feel horrible and try and stop what i was doing.

SPECIAL REPORT: State of Marijuana
Clinicians say they see all ages come in for marijuana addiction, and they generally have problems when they try to get off the drug; like insomnia, anxiety and loss of appetite. "We're assessing how many areas of your life this is affecting," added …
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What's the buzz about marijuana's 420?
The Cumberland-Perry Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition has identified marijuana use by youth as one of its priority areas. Please call the commission at 1-866-240-6300 for more information. For more information check out, …
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Brain Changes Linked to Casual Marijuana Use
In the marijuana smokers, the nucleus accumbens — the pleasure center known to be involved in reward processing and addiction — was larger, abnormal in shape and denser compared with that of non-users. Among pot smokers, the shape and density of …
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