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Do You Think Obama Is Plotting to Infect the Public With Swine Flu So He Can Kill the People at Fox News?

Question by : Do you think Obama is plotting to infect the public with swine flu so he can kill the people at Fox News?
Sorry, just wanted to try being a right winger for a bit . . .

Best answer:

Answer by Russian ’12
The top 10 reasons NOT to be a Republican (who can help fill in the rest):




7. “Needles are sharp 🙁 ”

6. “If anyone dies of the flu, it is god’s punishment. ”

5. “Rush told me that N11H is a hoax (and he’s THE ‘expert’) ! ”

4. “What do ‘scientists’ know ? ”

3. “Since I can’t actually ‘SEE’ the H1N1, it’s not REAL, right ? ” 🙂

2. “Don’t KILL it! It’s a LIVING thing! ”

1. “I can tell you from real-life experience that I didn’t PERSONALLY see it kill 50 million people in 1918, so what’s all the fuss ? “

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!