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Can You Think of Some Ideas on How We Can Prevent School Shootings?

Question by usa_jcrew68: Can you think of some ideas on how we can prevent school shootings?
The VA Tech massacre, the Columbine killings, and countless other school shootings has created fear and paranoia in the our schools and society. We realized since 911 anything devastating can happen at any moment. The VA tech incident (even though it wasnt terrorist related)has created a a higher “awareness” in our society. I think gun control, random drug testing, and mental health testing should be the norm in all institutions.
List some other reasonable ideas that can prevent a shooting like this from occuring again?

Best answer:

Answer by Roadkill
Arm the students and faculty. Banning guns from schools just creates unarmed victims at the mercy of someone who doesn’t obey the gun ban.

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