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Can You Defend This Tile for Research Paper, ” ADDICTION of TEENAGE to DOTA”??

Question by SK: Can you defend this tile for research paper, ” ADDICTION OF TEENAGE TO DOTA”??
What is the significance of studying this??
What cause made you do this research??

Best answer:

Answer by rebecca v d liep
Assuming DOTA or Dota or dota is a drug or other possibly addictive substance, video game, etc, yes. Note that spell check is not sufficient: the word ‘teenage’ is a real word, but wrong in this title (as the word ’tile’ is a real word as well).
The significance of this depends in part on what you are writing it for. It makes a difference if this is a paper for a medical course or a high school social studies course. ‘What made you do this research?’ is a question only you can answer. It could be because you are genuinely interested in the topic. If you are not interested in the topic, but had to pick ‘something’, then say something like ‘this is a serious topic amongst teenagers and I hope to explore its issues’ or something like that. chuess!

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