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Can You Complete a Court Ordered Substance Abuse Rehab Program From Hawaii in Florida?

Question by shane c: Can you complete a court ordered substance abuse rehab program from Hawaii in Florida?
In Hawaii first time DUI offenders must take a 14 hour substance abuse rehab program course. I am moving back to Florida two days after my hearing and was wondering if anyone new if it was possible to complete the program in Florida? If not I’ll have to fly back to Hawaii just to take this program. To me a “rehab” program can be done anywhere.

Best answer:

Answer by Bill H
It can be done, but transferring probation to Florida is expensive.

Answer by [email protected]
Contact the court ( judge), that ordered it and see if they will permit it.

A New Day Rehab Reaches Out to More Victims of Substance Abuse
A New Day Rehab has announced their plans to get the word out to more victims of substance abuse across the USA. Beginning with a new website and company look, they are seeking to help patients that are serious about their recovery. Mike Slinskey …
