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How Does Someone Restart Their Career in the Workforce After Drug Addiciton?

Question by Speed, Madness, Flying Saucers: How does someone restart their career in the workforce after drug addiciton?
This is follow-up to the question I posed yesterday regarding “how to act around a neighbor who just lost his 2nd job due to a failed drug test.”

He has recognized that he has to give up doping if he is going to continue to have a job. He’s pretty shellshocked right now. Living in a small town, how can he rehabilitate his reputaton as a worker once he’s sober? He needs to have an income and is in imminent danger of losing his home. He isn’t new to the work force. He’s been gainfully employed since 1976 (only had the two jobs he’s lost) and has numerous “employee of the month/year awards.” He has a strong worth ethic.

It’s already been established that his predicament is a fx. of his own actions. What actions does he need to take now? Or is it pointless?


Best answer:

Answer by angel of desire
Well after he successfully completes rehab the only way for him to regain his reputation is to work himself back to that level. It is not something that is going to be accomplished without a bit of work but it can be done. He also needs to find a support chain to leave back on when he finds himself slipping. That way he can keep from falling back into bad habits.

I hired an ex crack addict and she proved herself to be an excellent worker but trust me it didnt happen over night she had to work her way back. ‘

Good luck

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