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Do You Think That “Sex Addiction” Is an Actual Condition?

Question by Nat: Do you think that “sex addiction” is an actual condition?
or do you think it’s just an excuse that habitual cheaters use to avoid blame ? (for example- Tiger Woods)

Best answer:

Answer by Awake Sage & Author Omid Mankoo
“habitual cheaters” is the term you used. habitual is very much related to addiction. the reverse of habitual is conscious and aware. Sex addiction is a problem. seldom do you find a person who is in control of their body and in control of their own mind and still continuously cheats.

There is a tremendous amount of hidden mind manipulation within many sexual presentations disguised as regular sexual attraction. the viewer is being mentally stimulated, all the while mistakenly thinking it is simply sexual attraction and only physical. Becoming familiar with the manipulations and the methods to free oneself from these unwanted intrusive elements are written in a recent book which I mention in the “Sources” section at the end of this answer

in addition I have a yahoo group on sexual addiction at:

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