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I Want to Stop Smoking Crack Cocaine. I Dont No How. Dont Know How to Even Start Try. Please Help.?

Question by addicted: i want to stop smoking crack cocaine. I dont no how. dont know how to even start try. please help.?

Best answer:

Answer by lance
Go to a rehab center, thats probably your best bet. Even though it might not sound too good right now, you won’t regret it later. Force yourself to go.

Answer by Annette S
Go to rehab. Just go to someone. Why’d you even smoke it in the first place? It’s so ghetto.

Study Casts Doubt on Porn Addiction, but Counselors Say It Exists
“Since a large, lucrative industry has promised treatments for pornography addiction despite this poor evidence, scientific psychologists are called to declare the emperor (treatment industry) has no clothes (supporting evidence),” Ley and his team …
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There's No Such Thing As Porn Addiction, Says New Research
“They constantly say, for instance, that 'porn is the crack cocaine of sex addiction.'" Ley said that while there are anecdotal claims of people “needing” porn, or experiencing “some very vague … In a 2013 issue of Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity …
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Will crack vending machines in Vancouver help curb crack addiction?
A local Vancouver, Canadian program has put into place crack vending machines in the hope that it will stem crack addiction as well as negate the dangers of HIV infection and other diseases. Installed at the city's downtown Eastside, the machines …
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