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Are Mentally Ill People More Likely to Smoke, Drink and Do Drugs?

Are mentally ill people more likely to smoke, drink and do drugs?
Morphine addiction Smoking, drinking and drug use are significantly higher among those who have psychotic disorders than among those in the general population, says a new paper. Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and …
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Stimulating brain cells stops binge drinking, animal study finds
Their work could lead to powerful new ways to treat alcoholism, other addictions, and neurological and mental illnesses; it also helps explain the underlying neurochemical basis of drug addiction. The findings, published in November in Frontiers in …
Read more on Niagara Frontier Publications

South Bay Parenting: Lesson in giving is a valuable gift to 4-year-old
For three months, my 4-year-old is hopped up on toys like a crazed drug addict, salivating over wrapping paper, crawling out of his skin at the sight of plastic Hot Wheels cases. … But if the research bears out, my son wouldn't have issues with it. A …
Read more on Daily Breeze

Iron Man: Addiction and the Lives We Tell
In certain respects, the addicts' narratives of recovery are similar to the accounts of recovery provided by drug workers and addictions researchers. The paper argues that the correspondence between addicts' own accounts of their recovery and those of …
Read more on Scientific American (blog)

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