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What Is the Difference Between Physical Dependence and Addiction?

Question by playswithmatches: What is the difference between physical dependence and addiction?
I’m talking about prescription painkillers.
I have a slipped disc in my lower back, I can hardly walk or stand upright when I get up in the morning, I’ve been taking painkillers off and on for a while…My doctor prescribes me to take 2 a day, If I don’t have to go to work, I don’t take any. Does anyone know how long it would take for withdrawl symptoms to start, and how long they last?
I’m taking Lortabs

Best answer:

Answer by JULIE J
Physical dependence involves your bodies need/expectation for the drug. With out the drug your body does into a series of changes while “withdrawing”. The addiction part is when you WANT to drug. Your body isn’t demanding it your head is.

Answer by TD
Physical dependence is PHYSICAL meaning your body and addiction means PSYCHOLOGICAL meaning your mind.
